Genin exams

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Kura-Kun I finally get to take off the stupid mask hehe I can't wait to see their shocked faces when I pass

Kit you're going insane I swear but I can't wait to see their shocked faces either this going to be so funny hehe

Kura-Kun what do you mean you think I'm going insane haven't I already been insane Naruto said slightly offended

I'm sorry please don't kill me Naruto I am sorry I didn't mean it please don't kill me Kurama said while Naruto just sweat drop that the 9 tailed foxes were begging him a 'mortal' to not kill him. I mean sure he is not mortal he's immortal he is also The ten-tails Reincarnation but that's not the point

( while I'm writing this I just kind of chuckled at myself and making it seem like he's just so casual about everything 😂 oh before I forget he's wearing a black  leathery jacket no shirt that shows off his well-toned 8pack abs and is wearing black tight skinny jeans but they allow him to move freely)

( while I'm writing this I just kind of chuckled at myself and making it seem like he's just so casual about everything 😂 oh before I forget he's wearing a black  leathery jacket no shirt that shows off his well-toned 8pack abs and is wearing bla...

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Shut up I'm not going to freaking hurt you yet so stop moping around and let's get the fuck moving now!

Aye sir

Good let's go

On our way to The Academy they constantly got stared by everyone around town most of the people were blushing madly well everyone else that wasn't flushing had nose bleeds and passed out when they entered the academy Naruto just went straight to the back seat and sat down and if anyone tries to move them then let's just not get started on that.

I was peacefully sitting in my seat with my headphone/phone in my ears listening to my music when I felt a trembling in the ground. Ummmm is there an earthquake? No Naruto it's some fat chicks running here yelling stuff about their Sasuke-Kun or whatever. I just shrug my shoulders silently at this.

(Headphone thing they are powered by chakara)

(Headphone thing they are powered by chakara)

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(The blue and purple spots are red)

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(The blue and purple spots are red)

Soon enough the girls burst through the doors yelling. It hurts my ears as they're extremely sensitive.

"Shut up," I said quietly people who heard me were blushing at my voice and shocked that I actually spoke. The girls, on the other hand, didn't seem to hear what I had said in fact they yelled louder. "Shut up," I said a little louder you could tell I was getting angry. People around me try to shush the girls but that only received them glares and harsh words. I pulled out my ear buds and stood up. My cross causing a jingling sound throughout the room and silencing everyone besides the bimbos.

I slowly walked over to the girls and tapped their shoulders. They turned around seriously pissed off. I scowled at them not liking that I wasn't listening to my music. "Shut the fuck up," I said in a monotonous voice that scared them it seems as they quickly nodded their heads. "Thank you...." I quietly said before sitting back down and plugging my headphones in.

A couple of minutes later Shika-Kun walked in the room looking uneasy. I quietly stood up going unnoticed by everyone and stood behind him. "Shika-Kun....." I whispered in his ear "you don't get a choice whether you want me or not....." He turned around quickly catching everyone's attention only to see nothing. "I must be imagining things..." He whispered to himself as if to reassure himself. He looked around the room. I licked my lips when his eyes landed on me his eyes widen in realization when he saw me.

____Shikamaru's POV_____

As soon as I walked in the room I felt someone staring at me but I just shrugged it off

I'm just paranoid....yeah just paranoid.....

"Shika-Kun....." A familiar voice whispered huskily in my ear causing my legs to weaken slightly. "you don't get a choice whether you want me or not....." The voice stated angrily I turned around quickly only to find nothing I looked around the room to try and see if I can figure out who did that when my eyes landed on a strange figure... Naruto. My eyes quickly widened in realization.

Oh, God. He's hot as fuck... I wonder ho- no I can't think like that. This guy is a yandere. I can't think like that about a yandere.

Quickly looking towards my seat I started walking towards it, still, his powerful stare seemingly looking into my soul.

Oh, Namjesus his stare can still make me weak.

Sitting down I can finally rest my weak legs. A little while later Iruka-Sensei walked into the class, doing a headcount, he noticed Naruto and shook his head while continuing the attendants.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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