Hey, Fam

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There is so much Google translate used in this story, so I do know there is a lot of grammatical errors. I apologise in advance (sorry to everyone who has already read past this point...)

So to point out, I don't speak ANY Greek or Egyptian.

And since I have written this I have taken like 3 more French classes. I was in like the end of French 2 beginning of French 3 when I wrote this...

And now I'm a college freshman and unfortunately, I do not have a ton of time to fix the language mistakes.

I appreciate everyone who's told me about the mistakes but I'm also not going to go back through all 66 parts of this story I wrote as a high schooler and fix them... Sorry.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the story.

*Aside from English words, I used Google translate. I know it's not always right, but that's all I had...*

*I know there are grammatical errors...*

Also, read



Hey again!

I want to thank everyone who has read and continues to read this story, I'm planning on rereading it myself, hoping to make it a little less cringy in my for myself, now that I am older and have a little more time. Feel free to reread the edits, or not. I am going to try and change the language errors and grammatical errors with what advice people have given me. 

Thank you for still reading this story! 

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