7.The lab

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                                                                7.The lab

Today is Thursday we all knew what that meant Thursday Tacos 

Everyone was excited for lunch except for me....

Today is the day that I finally get to perform the  "special" task Mr. Heck  assigned  to me.  

It's a cloudy , light blue sky , the grass is still wet from the morning rain. Summer is just entering our small town. It is the first time I actually sit on outdoor wooden tables. 

Allyson sits on the other extreme of the table with Brad. I sit in the corner next to Katy. 

I start to take small bites out of my panini , Allyson just licks the frosting out of her  home made , pink sparkling cupcake. Katy just nibbles on a chocolate chip cookie. Apparently no one picked tacos.

A plastic bag is unexpectedly drifted through the wind . I think it was from someone on our table.  Katy almost choked on her cookie when she saw the plastic bag. 

"Oh my god , a plastic bag, you know that's a lyric on Katy's song Firework" says Katy 

"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again ... " Katy copies Katy Perry's  voice and starts singing the lyrics of the song "Firework" 

"You are such a weirdo, I mean Katy Perry can not even sing. It's all just auto tuned , duh"  says Tessa (Allyson's friend)

I knew this was going to be a debate from the moment Tessa insulted Katy's idol.

"She can not sing , are you serious? , then why was she the first woman to tie MJ's record?" Katy replies

"Ugh, whatever. Freak!" Tessa says

Katy was happy because she won the argument and defended her idol or as she calls her "Momma cat" or "Queen of the Katycats" or  "My everything" 

Lunch is over and I finally head over to the lab. To my surprise I find Axl trying to put on the safety googles on the lab. 

What was he doing here? Did Mr.Heck invited him over? I thought he hated him? 

Guess I am not alone in the lab after all...

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