Chapter 2: Traumatic Experience

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An annoyed scowl decorated the stout man's features, arms crossed and foot tapping in impatience as he stood outside of the unkempt, dirty brothel. He wasn't entirely sure why the Scouts were called for this particular issue. No offense to the women, but attempted kidnappings were and a problem for the Military Police, not them. MP's always dealt with issues with humans, interpreting the laws and all of that legal stuff. The Scouts dealt with the real plague to humanity, Titans. There was no need for Erwin to send multiple people out to check out this situation. This problem laid inside the walls, not in Titan Area. Nike Dok, a commander in the MP, was currently inside, interviewing the five victims. He insisted that Levi and Hange stood outside and wait. Even though Nike and Levi rarely saw eye-to-eye, they both agreed that this had nothing to do with the Scouts. However, the victims disagreed.

"I wonder why they insisted we be here. Unless...Maybe a Titan kidnapped them!" Hange's loud voice boomed in Levi's ears, causing him to grimace slightly.

"Well, if you would just be patient, we can find out why we're here, Shitty Glasses." His voice grumbled.

Unfortunately, Hange was one of Levi's very few companions. Even though he found her relatively disgusting, what with her greasy hair that was probably so knotted up that it was stuck in that ponytail of her's and her filthy uniform that she only washed once in a blue moon, he stuck with her none the less. However, he'll probably have to discuss with her the importance of brushing her teeth. He could smell her rancid breath from where he was standing.

"Plus, there are no Titans in the walls. And if there was one, those women would've been dead." Hange has got to be the dumbest smart person he knows.

The door to the brothel slammed open suddenly, startling both Levi and Hange. There stood Nile, angry as usual. His eyes narrowed when he spotted Levi, causing him to let out a small 'tsk'.

"I'm warning you now, these women are delusional. You both should leave."

Levi sighed. "We'd love to. But alas, Erwin's orders."

Nile shrugged his shoulders before stepping out of the way, allowing the two (plus Hange's assistant, Mobilt) to enter. The inside was exactly how Levi expected. It was unkempt and dusty. The faint smell of cheap alcohol lingered in the air and questionable stains were present on the couch and curtains. There were a few chairs missing their legs, and the rest possessed cracked wood and chipped paint. Women's clothes scattered the filthy floor and also possessed 'unknown' stains, even though Levi had a good idea what those stains were.

"Alright let's hurry this up. I don't want to be in this disgusting place longer than I have to." He muttered to Hange, who was already running to sit with the victims to question them.

"Quickly! Quickly! Mobilt prepare to take notes!" Hange began. Levi simply stood beside her. She was the main one who would do the talking anyway. Even if he wanted to (which he doesn't), she'd cut him off so she could ask all of her stupid questions. "Okay, so first things first. I'm sorry that you've gone through such a traumatic event, but I'd like to skip the melodrama and get straight to the juicy stuff. So tell us, why are we here?" Hange, as blunt as usual.

A few sniffles were heard as the women struggled to come up with words. All five of them bared bloodshot eyes due to all the tears that have fallen from them. Finally, a raven-haired woman stood up to make her way to the stool positioned in front of Hange. She was obviously from Asain heritage, something very rare nowadays. She seemed young. Too young to be working at a brothel, at least. Despite the red around her eyes, you wouldn't be able to tell she had emotions, with her bruised face void of any expression.


"Wait!" Hange cut her off. "Please state your name for the record."

The girl was slightly taken back by the outburst. "Oh. I'm Mikasa Ackerman." Mobilt quickly started to write. The girl began to look nervous. A small voice prompting her to go on sound from the back of the group. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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