Chapter 2

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Yuri was already ready for school and was about to head out the door until the most unexpected thing she never thought that would happen was just waiting outside. It was Natsuki.

Yuri opened the door and due to the sound of it closing right after, Natsuki turned around.

" C'mon Yuri, we'll be late " Natsuki waved as she started walking. Yuri hurried along beside her.

It was another quiet walk but yuri felt calm as ever. As soon as they got there, sayori and monika were waiting at the entrance.

" Let's gooo! The bell is about to ring! " Sayori waved over with a smile. Natsuki then hurried along with Sayori since they had first period together. Yuri watched them happily racing to class as the bell rang.

Monika stood beside yuri, " We have a sub for first period. Soooooo "

" Monika.. even if we're just the teachers assistants, we have to help the substitute- "

Monika grabbed Yuri's hand and pulled her to the back of the school where empty classrooms were never used. She then opened the door slowly and told yuri to get inside first and so she did.

" We can't be goodie good girls forever, you know? " Monika teased while closing the door after herself, got in, " Let's live a little. And besides, it's just first period~ "

" Always pulling stuff like this.. " Yuri giggled then put her things down.

They spent the hour just talking and explaining some homework the other didn't understand. An hour passes by and the bell rang.

It was another boring period for Yuri as she flipped through the pages of her history textbook for the right page. She sat in the back of the class and didn't mind it at all because it was a perfect spot to read her favorite book without the teacher noticing.

While the teacher was explaining the time period from the chapter everyone was on, yuri looked out the window, just to see Sayori doing her laps on the track. It's a pretty big track that was close to the window, yuri is looking out from. So every now and then, Yuri would give a gentle wave whenever Sayori passed by and she would wave back.

" My back is killing me! " Natsuki groaned as she walked to the club room with Sayori.

" I can't feel my legs.. " Sayori giggled and then opened the club room door. Monika was already busy with an application for the upcoming school festival and Yuri was buried into her book. The two girls split and went to their daily spot. Natsuki sat by the closet with her Manga and Sayori was with Monika.

After a good couple of minutes, monika would announce it was time to share poems.

" I'll partner up with Sayori first and then you, natsuki " Monika smiled then started walking with Sayori to the spot they were in yesterday.

Yuri's heart started to pound which kind of startled her. She's going to be with Natsuki again.

" So um.. " Natsuki struggled to begin as she sat beside yuri this time and handed the poem.

" A-Ah, yes.. here "

They exchanged poems. Yuri couldn't focus at all. Natsuki was so close and the feeling from yesterday started coming back. What felt like butterflies in her stomach, made her feel like her heart was pounding even faster. She wanted to ask why natsuki decided to sit next to her but she felt like she might take it the wrong way. So she stayed quiet.

" Hey Yuri.. " Natsuki spoke.

" A-Ah! Y-yes? "

Natsuki shyly put the paper down, looking embarrassed about something.

After another second of silence she spoke, " You're good at Math.. right? "

For some reason it made Yuri happy but kinda hurt in a way. But she quickly shoved it away and gave a nod.

" Can you come to my house then? I'm having trouble with my assignment.. " Natsuki finally admitted.

Yuri said yes and then the silence started all over again. She still wonderes why natsuki sat so close to her while thinking about this unknown feeling growing into her chest.

Three minutes pass by, Sayori sits on the other side of yuri and monika calls natsuki over. The cycle continues until everyone read each others poems.

Just before everyone was finished with the poems, monika had to hurry home which also meant sayori had to leave too.

" Are you sure you don't want to stay longer? " Monika asked one last time before heading out.

" Yes I'm sure! " Sayori answered, " And besides, my mom just texted me that she needs me home right now.. "

" Busy days " Natsuki said as she stood up and stretched.

" My tip for today is: Always be prepared " Monika slightly chuckled, " Cause I'm not.. anyway, let's go sayori "

The two girls rushed out, leaving the other two alone again.

" Wanna leave? " Natsuki asked as leaned by the door. Yuri nodded.

They both started to walk out and they could still see sayori and monika running off campus.

" So what d-do you need help on? " Yuri asked.

" O-Oh uh.. just some you know.. Algebra stuff.. " Natsuki answered with hesitation.

" What topic? "

" Just.. equations.. "

Yuri smiled, " It's easy "

" I-I know! "

Yuri tilted her head slightly. Quickly, natsuki shook her head and told yuri to just forget it. The purple haired girl didn't take no for an answer this time so Natsuki put her embarrassment aside.

They arrived at Natsuki's small but very pretty house. Yuri took a small glance through the window to see if anyone else was in there. It was dark.

" My dad isn't home right now.. " Natsuki said as she unlocked the door. When they walked in and Natsuki turned the lights on, yuri automatically admired the furniture and the nice warm feeling it gives off.

" Your house is sure l-lovely.. " Yuri's words spilled then started to twirl the tips of her hair.

" Oh? Thanks.. " Natsuki responded a little dull then pointed at the couch, " Wait for me there "

Yuri walked over to the soft, white fuzzy couch and patiently waited. Natsuki came back from the kitchen with tea and small cupcakes.

" A-Ah.. you don't have to do this.. " Yuri shyly spoke as she felt her cheeks burn up.

" Do what? " the pink haired girl said then took a seat beside yuri.

" N-Nevermind.. The cupcakes look great "

" Of course! " Natsuki said with pride, " I'm the best when it comes to making cupcakes "

Yuri giggled and sighed in relief. She honestly thought natsuki would act a different way when they got here. But natsuki is the same as always.

" Anyway.. um.. " Natsuki mumbled as she pulled out the paper from her bag and set it onto the small coffee table that was in front of them.
They didn't get to finish the worksheet but instead, they watched movies and talked about other stuff. It was like a small unexpected sleepover.. well to yuri.

" You watched this movie already? " Natsuki pulled out the small DVD from the DVD player. It was A Quiet Place.

" Yeah I did. It was okay " Yuri answered as she hugged one of the couches pillows.

" I never watched it.. papa told me not too "

" It's not THAT scary "

" Its not? "

Yuri shook her head, " Let's watch it "

Natsuki nodded and put it back into the DVD player then hurried back to the couch.

Sweet Cupcakes || Natsuki x Yuri ♡Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin