Niall nodded. "Yeah. I'll just go to sleep I'm super tired."


Niall laid down and put his head on my lap. I looked down and smiled at him.

He shut his eyes. "Well?"

"Well what?" I asked confused.

"Stroke my hair bitch."

I giggled and carded my hands through his blonde/brunette hair. "So demanding" I playfully huffed.

"Ahh this is the life" Niall dreamily sighed.

"Niall, you're weird" I laughed.

"Shut up I'm sleeping."

I rolled my eyes and continued stroking his hair.

"And don't roll your eyes at me, curly" he said.

Okay how the hell did he know that I did that?

Just then I heard a ding on my phone. I grabbed it and saw I had a text.

From Lou @ 8:22: Hey do u wanna hang 2morrow? u know after u deal with the whole dorm director thing...

I smiled.

From me @ 8:23: sure wut time and where?

From Lou @ 8:24: umm how about 12:30 and we can go out to lunch. meet me at emma's. they have the best subs and pies i swear!:)

From me @ 8:24: okay thats fine and they better have the best subs and pies. im trusting u lol

From Lou @ 8:25: oh trust me they do;) and good its a date

Okay my heart literally jumped out of my chest.

A date? With Louis? Ermegerd I'm fucking freaking out!!! Eep!

Okay calm down, Harry. Stop acting like a 16 year old girl. Just text back something smooth.

To Lou @ 8:26: i guess so then;)

Yeah that sounds good.

Nice one, brain.

Thank you. I always knew I was better than you:)

Oh shut your damn piehole.

Okay -.-


"Well seeing that Mr. Horan has been assaulted I have no choice but to move him into another dorm" Mrs. Wells stated.

Relief brushed over me when I heard those words. Yes! Niall would finally moved from Zayn. Even though Zayn likes Niall and he won't bully him anymore, Niall doesn't know that and he doesn't dare to even see Zayn's face.

"Thank you, Mrs. Wells" Niall said.

"Yes thank you so much!" Liam said.

Niall, me, Liam, and Louis were all seated in Mrs. Wells' office. Louis asked if he could tag along and we all said it was fine. I glanced over at Niall and Liam. Liam was sitting super close to Ni, so close that one of Niall's legs was swung over Liam's lap. And Liam had his arm around Niall.

I cooed internally. They would make such a good couple I swear.

Hmmm what would their name be?

Aha! I got it!


Yeah Niam sounds good.

Mrs. Wells was typing away on her computer before turning to Niall. "Okay, Mr. Horan we have a dorm open for you. There's already one student residing in it and his name is Josh Devine. Room 212."

I Hated You First ➸ Larry Where stories live. Discover now