Zayn and Liam followed suit doing the same thing. Niall wore down the back of one of his sneakers to make it look like he was dragged and tossed it under a car. They cut a small curly lock of hair from Harry’s head a aluminum can tore apart they had found, tossing the hair down in the parking lot. Once they managed to finish they piled into the Aston Martin, the back being the tightest squeeze but they could suffer.

“Any of you know how to get there?” Louis asked turning to them in the driver’s seat. Niall nodded leaning forward a bit.

“You head straight onto the parkway, take the first exit in the right and it’s a straight shot from there.” He explained motioning the directions with his hands. Louis nodded hitting the gas pedal harshly, the car going from 0-60 in just seconds. 

Harry seemed to gain more and more consciousness as they got closer to Holmes Chapel. His green eyes fluttered open and he yawned loudly stretching his arms high above his head hitting the top of the car. This was more movement they had seen from him in weeks and it was slightly unnerving how he was suddenly becoming stronger. No one could become healthy that fast right?

“Lucy?” His gruff voice asked the air. Realization dawned on them; they were nearing Lucy so some of her power must be given to him. There was no other explanation for their friend’s sudden movement. “Oh god Lucy! The graveyard! She needs help!” 

“Harry it’s alright calm down!” Zayn tried to sooth him. “You’re still sick and were on our way there now to get this whole thing sorted out you got it?” Harry stared at him for a few moments with a confused look upon his features before nodding slowly. 

“It’s this next turn up here on the right. The cemetery should be at the very end of the road.” Harry said pointing at the next right hand turn. Louis hit the break harshly making the car skid a little and stop with a jolt now horizontally placed in the road. Liam stared at him bewildered smacking the older boy upside the head.

“Are you trying to get us killed? Because you’ve come pretty close so far?” He questioned, Louis smiled wickedly but he had a gleam of intelligence in his eye knocking out the driver’s side window and crawling out onto the street, tear his shirt to near shreds and leaving small droplets of blood. 

“You guy we gotta walk from here if we don’t want to make it look like we just drove.” He told them and looked at the night sky. “We probably have about an hour left so get your cabooses in gear and let’s go!”

They all piled out of the Aston Martin and too everybody’s surprise Harry stood on his own two feet. Of course, it was a bit wobbly and he was a bit hunched over, but it was standing nonetheless. They all looked on in precaution for his first few steps seeing if he was ready to collapse or not. But he braved it and as they neared the cemetery he seemed to grow stronger. They stopped before the large and detailed cast iron gates
“Well guys whatever this thing is, were going in there together got it?” Niall said to them all, they all turned to him with a nod and looked back at the gate. The graves went on for acres but they all knew exactly where Lucy was laid to rest, it was under the big oak tree in the corner. They pushed the gates open wincing at the terrible wail the hinges gave in protest before slipping through the tiny opening they had made. 

The air had a decrepit stench to it, but that had to be the smell of death that lingered around. A dense fog hung low to the ground masking their feet. The moonlight shined on the polished stones illuminating the names of all that had passed, some were so old the boys couldn’t believe they were still standing. But even in the distance they could see the small, shining figure chained back to a head stone. Harry’s breath caught in his throat and despite his slightly deteriorated shape he took off in a run towards the headstone.

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