Happy Birthday Jazz!!

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't been updating, but I just have to acknowledge Jazz right now, because today is her 22nd Birthday!
As far as I know, Jazz has been through a lot in her life. She didn't deserve to go through what she did, but now look at her. Seriously. That is the greatest thing I have seen so far. She has a great life, a girlfriend who makes her happy ( besides the pranks 😭😂), and an amazing home.
Thanks Jazz, for sharing your journey through life with us! I don't know what I would do if I never discovered her YouTube channel.



P.s. To all my readers:

Hopefully I will be able to update another chapter today and tomorrow, since it is  Columbus Day. Hopefully!!

Peace Out,

HARD LYFE (OFFICIAL STORY)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt