kakashi's life

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Well when kakashi was little the white fang of the leaf died to protect his friends and the when he died kakashi had no family he had to wash his bathroom and clean his house and then go to the ninja Academy and thats when he meet rin and obito and rin was friends with kakashi but obito i dind't go out that good they were like enemy's but then they had to go to a mission with minato and obito, kakashi, rin but rin got chaptered and then kakashi went the other way and obito went to save her and obito was going about die but kakashi saved obito and they got rin and kakashi falled and obito pushed him with rin and he was going use fire style but they was enough time to do Singhs and then he was going die but he gave kakashi his 2 stage of the shatagan and then he kiled the guy that use something to kill obito.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2018 ⏰

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