What is my Favourite Film?

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@BlivArmageddon I can tell you definitely what my me least favourite film is, and that's Frozen.

I don't have anything against Disney, but I swear I have seen that film so many times after Vin got it on DVD if I hear the words 'Let It Go' one more time I'll throttle her (In a nice way). She made me watch it over, and over, and over, and over,

and over

and over

and over





Now she can quote the whole script, so she just keeps saying it to me over and over... you get the picture. The worst bit is that she tries to sing 'Love is an Open Door' and ends up sounding like a drowning frog. I'm sorry, Vin, you can't sing. Just... don't try.

My favourite film....... this is hard. I think The Shawshank Redemption is an excellent film, but I'm more for, ah, violent things. I love the A Team, I think that a group of young men breaking the law sound a bit like the Dead Men, and the theme tune is cool. I'd love to show Scapegrace Resident Evil to show him what real zombies are like, but the film I like the most is probably Terminator. Yeah... time travel, robots, awesome guns, a few hot ladies (the Terminator in the third one... third degree burns) and mindless violence all wrapped up in a really, really, good story. God knows what they did with the fourth one *shudders*. To all Terminator fans, Terminator Salvation never happened.

So I hope that cleared up my movie preferences.

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