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While Parker was at Beth's house the next weekend, Michael decided that it was finally time for him to go look for a job.

But Michael really did not want a job, at all, so he was finding it really hard to apply for something. He'd walk into a place and take a look around, and then find some little mistake with whatever was going on and walk out. Like, the girl at the cash register looked like she'd be annoying or the building itself had a weird smell.

It was kind of pathetic, and Michael knew that. He just didn't want to admit to the fact that he was an adult now, with a child, and he needed to start earning money so he could actually take care of that child properly. The two of them couldn't live on pizza forever, and Michael knew that if he was going to continue living with Parker and taking care of him, he had to actually do it the right away.

By the time Michael had made his way to the park he'd already applied at Target (Michael was pretty sure he wouldn't get the job - he left most of his application blank) and this small bakery downtown (Michael didn't think he'd get that one either, and even if he did he'd probably just try to eat stuff). He needed a break, so he walked over to the park down the street from his apartment that he sometimes took Parker too.

It was a Sunday afternoon, so not many people were there, not anyone that Michael knew at least. There were a few families there with their kids and some people walking dogs, and Michael realized that he kind of looked out of place a little scary with his black clothes and purple hair.

Michael was walking up behind a bench when the person sitting on it turned their head - just for a second - and Michael barely caught a glimpse of her face. He wasn't 100% sure that it was who he thought it was, so rather than just stand there and stare at her, he hid behind a tree and did the only reasonable thing.

He texted her.

Michael: what are you wearing??

Nanny: are you trying to sext me??

Michael: no fuck off I think I'm standing behind you

Nanny: aw man I was totally in the mood to sext


"Michael!" Melissa yelled, clearly looking around for him, and he popped out from behind the tree, giving her a small smile.

"Hi." He said slowly, taking a seat next to her. He was careful not to sit too close, because he didn't want to seem weird.

"Hi." Melissa greeted him back, keeping her eyes ahead of her rather than on Michael. He was kind of thankful for that, because suddenly he was really nervous and blushy and he didn't want Melissa to see.

"Hi." Michael said again, just to break the silence. He didn't know what else to say to her. They hardly ever talked in person with one another. Sure, he'd seen her a few times since their little pool pushing adventure, but never for very long. It was mostly when they were picking up their kids from school, they'd pass by each other and say hello and goodbye, and one time Michael gave Melissa a high-five.

She texted him later that night and told him never to do that again.

"Where's Parker?" Melissa asked, finally starting up a conversation so Michael didn't feel so awkward.

"He's with Beth. They should be on their way back here, actually, but she lives, like, three hours away." Michael said, mumbling half of his words.

"So you're just strolling around in the park... alone?" Melissa laughed.

"I'm supposed to be looking for a job." Michael chuckled nervously, his hands pulling his sweater sleeves down to cover them. He stared down at the ground, still too scared to look over at Melissa.

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