Sarah's garden

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Sarah, Sam, and Dean are just about to go into the Impala when Crowley suddenly pops next to Sarah.

Crowley excitedly: Sarah! There you are! Come quickly! He motions with his hand for her to follow him.

Sam and Dean each go for their weapons from the suddenness of Crowley.

Sarah, not so startled: What is it, Mr. Crowley?

Crowley: Will you just come see? Again, Crowley motions for Sarah to follow him.

Dean defensively: Maybe she doesn't want to come with you?

Crowley looks at Dean and retorts back: And maybe you should mind your own business, Squirrel.

Sam: Crowley, you came to us. What's got you in such a hurry?

Crowley sighs in frustration: Fine. If you must know, there is a surprise for Sarah. He looks her way and bows slightly. Up there. He points to the top of the hillside beside the bunker.

Sarah perks up at this: For me?

Crowley rolls his eyes: Yes.

Sarah shrugs: Lead the way, Sir.

Crowley leads them up the hill. He escorts Sarah arm in arm while Sam and Dean follow closely.

Dean whispers to Sam: I don't like this.

Sam whispers back to Dean: Maybe he's turning a new leaf for Sarah?

Dean shakes his head: No, he's up to something. I just know it.

Crowley calling to them: I'm not up to anything Squirrel. He leads them up behind the bunker. There is now a beautiful garden where the woods used to stand.

Sarah stops and stares in amazement and wonder: What's this?

Crowley smiles and goes to it. He lifts his arms to show it off: This He turns towards it; is your garden.

Sarah looks at him puzzled: Mine?

Crowley takes her hand: I made it for you. So you can have everything you need on hand. Always.

Sarah raises her eye brows.

Crowley: Come see. He pulls her eagerly into it.

There are all kinds of plants from flowers to herbs to medicinal, anything that you can think of.

Sam and Dean look around in wonder.

Sam: You did this?

Crowley sarcastically: Yes, Moose, I did this.

Dean: Why?

Crowley: Because unlike you, Squirrel, I like Sarah.

Sarah stifles a giggle. She pulls an apple off of a tree. She walks over to Dean with it in her hands: Peace offering? She smiles sweetly at Dean.

Dean takes the apple and bites into it: I still don't like this idea.

Sarah puts her hands on her hips now: Why? She points to the trees. Look at all of these fruit trees. She leans in and whispers in Dean's ear. Think of all those homemade pies.

Dean eyes light up with this thought: Pies?

Sam laughs: Now you have him.

Sarah smirks. She kisses him on the cheek: Pies.

Crowley rolls his eyes at him: You're pathetic.

Dean at Crowley: Bite me.

Crowley back to Dean: Maybe later, Squirrel. To Sarah: What do you think, Sarah, Love?

Sarah in awe: It's wonderful. Thank you. She gives him a hug.

Crowley, blushing slightly: I'll leave you to play. He winks at her. He nods to Sam and Dean and disappears right after: Good-bye, boys. Crowley leaves as quickly as he came.

They are left alone in the middle of the garden. Sarah walks around her new garden, beaming. She has become lost in her own thoughts. Sam nudges Dean. Dean looks at Sam. Sam motions to Dean that they should leave Sarah alone.

Dean whispers: What if it's a trap?

Sam gives Dean a look: Seriously?

Dean gives in: Fine! Let's go.

Sam and Dean go back to the impala to finish what they started to head out to do before their interruption. Sarah finds a bench and sits down. She closes her eyes and breathes in deeply, smiling. She savors the smells that now surround her.

Castiel appears next to her: Its beautiful here.

Sarah without opening her eyes, smiling: It's perfect.

Castiel glances her way and tilts his head slightly: How so?

Sarah opens her eyes and looks up at him with those sparkling amber eyes. She says softly: It's my personal Eden.

Castiel: Did you make this?

Sarah closed her eyes again: No. Mr. Crowley gave me this gift.

Castiel surprised: Crowley?? He starts to move.

Sarah places a hand on his arm lightly: Its safe here, Cassie. Do not worry. He is softening to me. He will never harm his Sarah now.

Castiel thinks on this.

Sarah looks at Castiel: Just stay and enjoy this today.

They both sit there in silence, enjoying the new garden together. Sarah rests her head on Castiel's shoulder. Cas smiles over her happiness. Castiel whispers and smiles to himself: Sarah's Garden.

* * * In The Main Hall Of The Bunker * * *

The next day, the camera shows Sarah walking into the main hall of the bunker with a tray of food in her hands. There is a white cloth napkin draped over it. The camera then shows from Dean's angle of the tray being placed in front of him. Dean looks up at it from his work.

Dean: What's this?

Sarah smiles and hands him a fork. She lifts the cloth napkin off. Underneath, is a fresh baked pie: Ta-Da!

Dean beams: Pie? Oh sweet pie! Come to papa! He digs the fork into the pie.

Sarah laughs. She sits across from him as he digs into it.

Dean savors the first bite: Oh, this is Heaven.

Sam walks into the room. He sees Dean digging into an entire pie by himself.

Sam: Would you like the room to yourself?

Dean with a mouthful of pie: This is great pie, Sammy! You should try this!

Sam looks disgusted slightly by the way Dean is eating the pie: That's okay. I think I'll pass for now.

Sarah leans over to Sam: I made another one for later. This one is just for him. She smirks.

Dean: Oh, I love you. He smiles while looking at his fork.

Sarah laughs: Was that to me, or the pie?

Dean looks up at her confused. He thinks over the question: Ah...Both?

Sam and Sarah both burst into laughter.

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