Chapter 3: Decisions

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Chapter 3:

Arriving at my apartment, I can hear giggling and small feet running around, I can't help but smile..

Me: I am Home *singing in a singsong voice*

Grayson: Mommy!!! *He rushes over and hugs me tightly

Bex: Hey girl, You home early?

Me: Yup, the boss said I could chuck out early, So I can see my baby *Smooching him loudly on his checks

Grayson: Eeww, I am not a baby anymore *Wiping his check

Bex and I laugh, We both play a bit more with Grayson, when he get tuckered out and is fast asleep on the sofa

Me: *small sign* what a day...

Bex: I want to hear all about it, but first, get out of those hideous clothes *giving her best, what were you thinking look*

Me: It for work Bex, I can't dress like a teen...

Bex: Won't hurt, to dress it up a little, these black and grey pants are just a fashion no!

Me: I know, I will quickly put this bugger to bed and change, pour us a glass of box wine, it in the kitchen *As I slowly pick up Grayson, making sure not to wake him

After putting on my sweats and old tee, I join Bex in the kitchen

Me: Hmm, I need this *taking a big gulp of red wine

Bex: *laughs* So I am guessing it was a long day...

Me: Yup, but there is some good news, remember that case we had about zoning rights, well I just got hired as the lawyer assistant!

Bex: *confused* But aren't you Richard's?

Me: I am, but for the next couples of weeks he is willing to let me work with this Lawyer, He is so accomplish Bex, I could learn a lot from him...

Bex: Aah that great babe, I just wish you had completed Law school, You would've many more opportunities like these...

Me: That the past, I won't dwell, so let celebrate the small successes! Cheers!

Bex: Cheers, did I tell you, Grayson is such a flirt at school!

Me: What?

Bex: Yeah his teacher said, most of the kids his around, are little girls, our little man got game

Me: *laughs* That not funny Bex, I always worried I never find a good enough man figure in his life...

Bex: You do have Potts...He love Grayson...

Me: True, but I always worry, his growing...and he will eventually need a man to explain guys stuff...You know...

Bex: Hey, you got this babe, plus if he ever has a question we don't know, there always google!

Me: Right on, thanks for being here for me...

Bex: Always!

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