Chapter 1

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After 20 minutes of driving, they were finally at the airport. "Rose, come here, daddy's got to much in his hands right now." said Hermione, while Ron was bringing all the bags, because even though Hermione was offering help he wouldn't agree. And Rose came running towards Hermione and she held her hand, they waited for about half an hour before the plane was boarding.

"we're boarding a real plane, Molly!" said Mr. Weasley excitedly, "Yes, dear. And please keep a little more quiet those muggles are looking." Mrs. Weasley warned him. "yes, dear."

Hermione gave a small chuckle. "What's so funny?" Ron asked her, "oh nothing, just thinking that maybe one day we'll be like that too." she said smiling as she showed her and Rose's passport to the nice flight attendant. "What? The arguing-over-the smallest-thing part?" he asked "no. We're done with that part since we were 11. Its the growing-old-together part." she smiled, and Ron just kissed her forehead lightly. After that, they went looking for their seats and the good thing is they were at business class so they didn't have that much trouble.

And they had 3 seats close together, 2 beside each other, and the other one in front, so they didn't have trouble about Rose being with her mum or dad either. "Hey, sweetheart. we'll be right over there when you need us." Mr. Granger said kissing his daughters forehead. "Yeah, sure dad. thanks." and so they went to their seats and settled down.

"I think dad is getting a bit protective about me..." said Hermione, "well, he is your dad, and you're pregnant, so yeah he is going to be a bit protective about you." Ron said as he too sat down in his chair. And Hermione just gave a jerk in the head, "true." she said, "Rose do you want to sit by the window?" she asked her and Rose nods, "okay." so Hermione stood up and she put Rose in the chair by the window, and she buckled her up. "thank you, mummy." Hermione smiles at her, "no problem, sweetie." she kissed her forehead. After about 2 minutes the plane was getting ready to take off. "Mummy look!" Rose said shaking her mothers arm lightly, "we're going to Hawaii!" she said excitedly, "yep!" said Hermione fixing her daughters hair. "and we're off!" Rose said. And Hermione just laughs lightly. "Hey, Ron I'm just going to the bathroom real quick." Hermione told Ron and he nods, "yeah, sure." So Hermione stood up and walked to the bathroom, "Hermione dear, where are you going?" asked Mrs. Weasley, "oh, I'm just going to the bathroom." she said, "okay, then." Mrs. Weasley said with a smile, "but do be careful." "I will."

"where's mummy going?" Rose asked her father, "she's just going to the bathroom." Ron said to her. "okay." she smiled, "but why does mummy go to the bathroom a lot?" she asked him again, "it's because your brother is in her tummy right now, and he keeps on telling your mummy to go to the bathroom." Ron said to her, even though almost every part of it is not right, it's because he thought that a 2 1/2 year old kid wouldn't understand what's really happening. "okay." After about a couple of minutes Hermione came back, and she sat down at her chair very carefully, after all, she is only a week later that she is going to have a 7 month sized belly, "hey, mummy." said Rose, hugging her mum, "hi Rosie." And Rose's face lit up while she was hugging her mother. "mummy! I felt my baby brother kick!" she said happily, and Hermione smiles at her daughter, "I think he really likes you Rosie!" she said to her and Rose just laughs. After about 30 minutes later all of them were asleep, well except for Hermione, she cant really get a comfortable position, so she put a blanket over Rose who was sleeping, and kissed the top of her head, "I love you, Rosie." she whispered quietly. And she suddenly felt her eyes getting a bit heavy and she was asleep. After about 50 minutes of sleep, she eventually woke up. "Are we there yet?" She asked Ron, "no, we still have 10 hours." He said, and Hermione nods (9 hours later... A/N: I really don't know what to put..) "Only one hour left..." Said Ron, "finally!" Said Hermione "I'm getting so tired of this plane!" And Rose laughs at her mother for her silliness. "Hermione dear, why don't you sit down for a bit?" Mrs. Weasley said to her, "you've been standing up for a long time.." And Hermione nods, and sits down.. "Excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom real quick..." She said standing up, again. "Yeah, sure." Ron said to her, and she went to the bathroom.... "Daddy, why are we taking so long?" Rose asked her father, "well, we do have to fly across the country.." He said.

"But don't worry, we only have a little bit 'till we get to los Angeles." He said with a smile. "Okay!" And now Hermione came back and took out her book and started reading....

After 30 minutes of reading, Hermione eventually stops. "Mummy, I need to go to the bathroom.." Rose told her, "okay then." And she led her to the bathroom. After 2 minutes she was done and they went back to their seats Rose took out her book about fairytales and she started reading, even at the age of 2 1/2 she was very smart for her age. "Mummy look! Its Cinderella!" And Ron and Hermione smile, looking back at the day of Bill and Fleurs wedding, well Ron now knows that Cinderella isn't an illness..

A few minutes later they were now at Los Angeles and going to Hawaii, and all of them did nothing during the 5 hour flight to Hawaii......

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