Vivaan made her stand on her feet.He was helpless.Being in such situation.He thought he was right.On guessing what she wants.But she was Varna.He cant try to understand her.He looked at her dishieveled state.His eyes bored into hers.

V-"If there is anyone who can give

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

V-"If there is anyone who can give.Same love to my son.Like Ramya.Thats you.I knew this.You dont have to beg for your right.Pranush is yours.You have every right to give him love and care.Im no one to give you authority.If you have made up your mind.I think it will be selfish for me to say.I could give this much happiness to my son.You deserve him.As mother."

Whole night both couldnt sleep.Turning and tossing on bed.Varna knew why she came back.For Pranush she gave in to her adamant decision.About going away from everyone.For him she can bear being close to all people.Whom she cant bear to be with.Vivaan was in equally confused state.He was at point in life where he knew.He has taken decision for his son.Varna will be mother to him in every sense.But this relationship was like.Burden on them.He feared how things will go on in near days.He dreaded every situation.All he knew he has to.Live and not fall back.Under any circumstances now.He promised to himself.His ego wont hold back himself.From doing what he has to do.

Few weeks passed in same manner.Vivaan tried to keep things minimal.Normal between them.Their visits to Shetty house was limited.Starting from going office in morning.Till he came home at night.Varna conversed in minimal words.If necessary but there was change.Hatred wasnt feeling their eyes showed.Every time they were in each others presense.It lessened and gone or not.Time will decide that.Varna kept herself busy with Pranush.She knew he meant to her.She will do anything to keep him happy.Be with him.Vivaan noticed her every move.For Pranush.How far she could go for his sake.At times he wanted to initiate conversation.With Varna but he could sense her avoiding it.

Like this duration for their stay ended.Finally it was time to get back to home.Vivaan wasnt pleased either.Like Varna.Both were in deep thinking.How will they manage to.Hide truth of their relationship.Despite of their married status.Being away as strangers.Living under same roof alone is different.Now it will be difficult.They have to face others.Their last night in Chennai was spent.In tension and both couldnt let their eyes feel heavy.One bit thinking what will tomorrow bring.

Karuna kissed Pranush shedding tears.Vivaan touched Prakashs feet.Varna took blessings.She wasnt familiar with her own family.They could sense her reluctance.They bid farewell to them and prayed in mind.That they get deserving happiness soon.In life.

Sitting at airport.Vivaan looked at her beside him.Tucking buttons of Pranushs jacket.He was being so easy with her.He does opposite with him.He touched his head.He wanted to have word with her.But he wasnt sure how to start.He knew he has to.before it gets late and they reach Hyderabad.His family didnt have idea about few things.That took place in these months.He cleared his throat.Trying to grab her attention.She didnt pay heeds to him.

V-"We need to be clear about this.Before we reach Hyderabad.I hope you are aware of.What our family expects from us.They knew in what situation we have gone for this.But now things will change.With time expectations will increase.I dont know how it will be managed.We have to be patient.I have hurt enough people.In my life.Now Im just tired.So its better if we keep some truths.To ourselves.Rest let everyone think what they want to."

As Vivaan went ahead carrying Pranush.Varna stared at him.She hard him wisely.But she wasnt sure herself.How to face his family.Its been three months she was tied up.In unwanted bond with him.She wasnt an easy person to deal with.More than that she was scared.To be around so many people.Who may judge her again.She felt tired.Thinking how much she has to be patient.Difficulties wont leave her ever.


Thank you for all positive comments.I do understand flash back has not been easy.For any one of you.I got some comments that its going slow and flashback dragged for too long.I cant help this.Every chapter of this book was needed.I try to explain all emotions.Be it long and dragged updates.So I apologize if you are disappointed with me.For this book.

This was last update in flashback.From next one we are back to present.Hopefully I will have my readers back.As support in form of positive reviews.Love to you all.

Please do not forget to vote and comment.


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