What's Wrong With Me? Chapter 2

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A little bit later after you returned home, you started to feel strange for some reason.

Ever since you met Shadow, you felt like something was different about him. You walked towards your room and tried to relax.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I acting like this?" You tried to relax yourself by writing in your diary.

You started to feel a little better after you finished writing and then you decided to draw some pictures.

You were so deep in thought that you weren't paying attention to what you were drawing. Suddenly, Knuckles came in the room.

"Hey Y/N."

"Hey Knuckles."

"What are you drawing?" You looked at your drawings and widen your eyes.

You accidentally drew Shadow with a heart around him and the other picture had a picture of you and Shadow together. You quickly hid your pictures behind your back.

"I....uh....I was drawing.....you of course. It's still a working progress." You started to feel nervous and you were hoping that he would buy it. Knuckles smiled at you.

"Oh ok. Let me know when it's done."

"O-Ok." Knuckles smiled as he left the room. You looked at your pictures again while blushing.

"I don't know what's wrong with me but maybe a drink of water will help."

You hid your pictures and your diary and left your room. You walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water. After that, you sat down next to Sonic.

"Hi Sonic."

"Hey Y/N how are you?"

"I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm good." Knuckles sat down next to you.

"Hi Y/N."

"Hi Knuckles." Sonic and Knuckles are battling each other to see who could make you more interested in them.

"Hey Y/N. I ran for 3 hours today." Sonic said.

"That's wonderful Sonic."

"Yeah right. We'll I lifted so many weights today." Knuckles said.

"That's amazing Knuckles."

"Mind as well give up Knuckles. She likes me more."

"No way!"

"S/he likes me more! I'm better!" Sonic said.

"No you're not!" Knuckles said.

"Hey guys. I forgot my snack in the kitchen. Could you guys get it for me?"

"Sure!" They both said but then they glared at each other.

"I'm gonna get it first!" Sonic said.

"No! I'm gonna get it first!" They both continued to argue as Tails came in.

"Hi Tails."

"Hi Y/N."

"Could you get me my snack please? I forgot to grab it in the kitchen."

"Sure." Tails walked towards the kitchen and grabbed your snack and came back.

"Here you go."

"Thanks Tails."

"No problem." The boys stopped arguing when they saw that you got your snack.

They both got nervous and sat back down like nothing happened.

"Guys. You need to calm down. You don't have to prove anything."

"We know but you're the only girl/guy that seems to be less interested in us." Sonic said.

"I'm still your friend." You giggled a little.

"We know." Sonic said with a smile.

You soon began to think about Shadow again. You were blushing madly as you thought about his handsome looks. The boys saw this and looked at you.

"Are you ok?" Sonic asked.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine."

"Oh ok then." Knuckles said.

"Are you sure?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah. I think I'm gonna go to bed." Y/N said.

"Ok. Good night." The boys said.

"Good night." You walked towards your room and climbed into bed.

"Hopefully these strange thoughts will go away during my sleep." You closed your eyes and went to sleep.

Here's a sneak peek for the next Chapter:

Shadow: I'm only battling her.
Y/N: I can't do this!
Tails: It's not your fault.

What's gonna happen next? Find out soon on Chapter 3. Have a good day. Author out ❤️❤️❤️

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