What if?

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What if Y/n had depression?

You stood there at the door, listening to everything. Tears cascaded down you cheeks, as you bit your lip, and hugged yourself. You ran downstairs and out the door, slamming it behind you.

Opening, your house door, you fell down, and sobbed loudly as you trembled. Was I not good enough? What if he dumps me and leaves me in this mess? Why would he date me if he's going out with f/n? Am I that ugly? What if he laughs at me for being such a crybaby? Thoughts like those clouded your mind, as your breath became quicker and shorter, your heartbeat sped up, and you started to feel slightly lightheaded as you took the knife in hand, and aimed it at your heart. Why am I still alive? To experience this? To see him cheat on me for the second time? Was the last thing you thought, before  death came to greet you. (It sucks, but still)

"Hey Y/n I saw your door was—Y/n?? Y/N!?" B/f/n saw you on the floor drowning in your own pool of blood, and panicked. "What's the problem—" Kataro asked, and B/f/n shook him and cried. "CALL 911!" She cried, and the troubled male fumbled with his phone, and dialed the three numbers.

"I'm afraid Y/n is not going to be able to survive, Ms.B/f/n/l/n (Best friend's last name)" The nurse said, as B/f/n held your hand as she cried her eyes out, Kat on her side, tears silently coming out of his blue eyes. "I'm here, I heard what—" "SAI THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!!" B/f/n launched herself at the male, but was held back by the numerous nurses. Sai saw your fragile, dead body in the hospital bedsheets, and he widened his eyes. "Y-Y/n..." He dropped to the floor, crying. "If you hadn't cheated on her in the first place, this wouldn't have happened, Sai. Now you want her back now that she's dead? Your messed up" Kataro spit the words out, full of venom, as he stroked your h/c hair.

B/f/n, Kataro, (unfortunately) F/n, Sai and about a third of the school attended your funeral. Your ghost figure watched over your family, friends, and even Sai, as they went up to see your body lay in the coffin. "So who's the one that cheated on you again?" Han and Chei (twin boys), the two tweens that you have befriended not even two days (but were very close to you already) before, asked. "That one, Sai" you pointed to the brunette that had his head in his hands, while F/n tried comforting him, but getting a cold response back. "Oh well" "He done messed up" Chei (pronounced Chai 😂) finished the sentence. "Guess so" You sighed.

Long story short, He didn't fully get over you, but lived a somewhat happy life with F/n, making you happy, but you eventually forgot about him because you were watching over your family.

I know it's kinda crappy, but pls cut me some slack

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