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Tony downed his whiskey in one, he knew he probobly shouldn't but he needed to numb the pain and this was the only way he knew how

He had lost his whole family, he never got to say goodbye to his parents or his sister

Yesterday Bucky had moved into the tower, he had forgiven him for the death of his parents but it didn't mean he wasn't bitter

He also knew y/n had died at the hands of HYDRA, and even though that wasn't anything to do with Bucky, he just associated him with HYDRA

Just the thought of his older sister made him want to cry, they never really saw eye to eye but they still loved each other

He was the genius, the heir to his fathers fortune and she - Well his parents had wanted her to marry, settle down and have kids but that wasn't really y/n's forte

No y/n was the kind of person who would stand up for anyone, she like to help out in the workshop, even if she didn't design the gadgets she was bloody good at making them

Tony remembered the two of you building the next thing to impress dad, y/n loved thinking of new things to make, tony would design it and then they would make it together.

Y/n would usually do the fiddly things because she had smaller hands and it would usually end in a row but it was fun while it lasted

And now tony was alone, making more and more only to forget about the pain he was going though, and had been going through for years

"Agh" tony Yelled as he hit his finger with the hammer

That's what I get for getting distracted

He thought to himself as he put his finger in his mouth

He sighed and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and trying calm down - it didn't really work because suddenly he pushed everything on his desk onto the floor

He thumped down onto his stool and put his head in his hands

How is this fair?

His thoughts were racing

My entire family wiped out by HYDRA and I'm the one they leave?! The one who deserves it most? Is their entire motive just to cause me misery?


You panted and sweat ran down your face, dripping off your nose,

"What is your name?" A man stepped up to where you were chained, your arms suspended in the air and your calf's shackles to the floor

You didn't look up, nor did you reply

The man sighed and seemed to calculate his next move

"You will have to break sooner or later, or would you like the pain to continue?" He grinned as you slowly raised your head

HYDRA had taken everything from you, your memory's, your personality, your entire life.

You had no idea if you had had a family before this, or even if there was a 'before this' for all you knew you had been here your entire life

But sometimes you will get small flashes of memory's, people or conversations and you cling to them desperately

You remained silent, instead spitting blood onto the floor and glaring at the man

"Hm" he said then he turned his back "continue to process" he said and suddenly a tremendous wave of pain hit you and you screamed in agony

Your muscles strained and you wished on every star out there that the unbearable pain would stop. That you could turn into a shadow -

HYDRA had actually given you that ability, at will you could change your physical state from a solid to that of a shadow, you also had super strength and the ability to heal wounds that were not your own - albeit with extreme difficulty

But the chains that were currently holding you down were made especially, while they were on you, you could not change form and escape

You screamed again, your eyes squeezing shut but the pain would not stop - unless it was stopped

Rescue me. Avengers x readerWhere stories live. Discover now