The day we turned 15

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Bella had been at Hogwarts for the last month of term and all of summer. Even though they weren't sure just how safe it was. The kept her in McGonagall's office for the last month. Only getting free rein of the castle once everyone had left.

Almost everyone.

A few certain individuals stayed.

Draco of course. Lily. James. Sophia. Starla. And Lucy.

At this particular moment of time the girls were in their room on the last day of summer, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the others. Bella had hardly seen Scorp for months, the same with Lily and Albus. They were planning on having a party in the ROR. Just the five of them. The five girls. To be honest it wasn't really a party. More of an excuse to get together and dress each other up and shit like that. Like they used to. Plus it was Starla's birthday. August 31st. The day she turned 15.

This of course triggered the conversation. What did you do on the day you turned 15. Everyone was already 15. Having had birthdays in the earlier months of the year. Bella's being December the previous year.

Lily's was on the 10th of June. She recalled her summer party by the black lake a few months before. There wasn't much to tell since they were all there. But she did spill that she really wanted to jump into the lake and drag her friends with her.

Sophia's was the 17th of July. She actually hadn't told her friends her birthday before then. She hated birthdays. Loved everyone else's but not her own. Because it was the day her father left. On her 1st birthday. Leaving her mother heartbroken. You see she hadn't told her friends her birthdate because she didn't know it. She couldn't remember the day. It was only when her and her reconciled that she told her when it was.

Then it was the turn of Lucy. July 23rd. She'd had a simple party. Inviting only her four friends, Draco, James and her parents. They had tea and cakes on the grass overlooking a great view of the rolling Scottish hills.

Jumping back 7 months it was Bella's 15th birthday. Now I leave hers to lady's because of one simple fact. She didn't have the 15th birthday she desired. No. She got a coronation. Lucius brought the coronation she forward a year so she'd be bound to the Death Eaters forever. When it came to her birthday story she became quiet. Very quiet. All the girls fell silent in anticipation of her answer. All she said was, "I wish I was with my family, the day I turned 15."

Short crappy chapter but I wanted to update so to wouldn't give up on me. This chapter is very important to me personally because in 2 months time you will probably be getting the story of the day I turn 15. I'M SO EXCITED! AND I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT!!!

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