As high as astronauts

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My heart was like a beating drum

A herd of buffaloes in my turn

My head was bunging, clanging, whanging

Goose bumps like mole hills on my neck

Doubt like a pterodactyl's peck

My toes were twitching, itching, gritching

I had to walkout on that stage

Like one against a dragon's rage

A sea of eyes all waiting, watching, watching.

Heart jumping like kangaroo

Would I remember what to do?

Then on...

Its as if I am a little flea

Staring right down and watching me

Then hearing, cheering, cheering, cheering.

My chest is puffing out with pride

As if I've swallowed up Strathclyde

My head is grinning, spinning, zinging

My mind is doing somersaults

I am up as high as astronauts

My eyes are gleaming, streaming, dreaming.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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