The Hostage

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    Waking up to your alarm clock going crazy isn't how i would describe a "good morning" . I jump out of bed and realize that im late for work. Shit. I rush to the shower, turn it on without even checking if its on "hot" or "cold". Once in i notice im still in my socks. Oh well.

Finally im dressed for work and ready to go when i realize no one is home. Living with two men is the worst. I don't even know where they are half the time, and they never pick up after themselves. I thought Brody would've given me a ride atleast. Brody and Kyle are my two roommates. We met in high school and they've been my bestfriends since. We're always up to no good.

I start walking to work. This cant be bad right? I need the exercise anyways. I've been skipping the gym for a week now. Kyle always talks about how i don't need the gym, and that im skinny enough already. I'm a girl. We always critisize how we look.

One block away from work. Finally. Now i'm sweaty and sticky due to the heat. I turn the corner on "Mandalay Dr." and a white car screeches to a halt infront of me. The car had chips all in the paint, and had dents covering its whole outer core, and a broken headlight. What the hell? I start to walk around it when i hear the driver's door open. Trying to not look back and stare at the person brave enough to drive the piece of shit i continue to walk to work.

 "Hey where are you going?" A voice behind me says.

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