"Aren't you like, super smart, and working for NASA?" Rhys asks Vera, who blushes at the compliment.

"I studied engineering at UCLA and I want to work for NASA," Vera says.

"She's basically already working for them," Aspen says. "And she's a genius."

"I'm definitely not a genius. I work with them, so I know," Vera says.

"If you're not a genius then what does that make the rest of us?" Rhys jokes, and we all laugh.

"You guys are smart too," Vera protests, and Aspen laughs, pulling her close to kiss her on the cheek.

"And you're nice too. But don't even bother with this. Everyone knows I'm not smart when it comes to school," Aspen says, and then she whispers something in Vera's ear that turns her cheeks pink.

"Ugh! Can you guys not start doing that right now?" Layla says dramatically. "I'm going to get something to drink." She stalks off on her high heels, reminding me of the angel version of Beverly.

"So...this is a little personal, but now that the only straight girl is gone, how is it in college?" Rhys asks Vera and Aspen.

Vera smiles like she understands. "It's way better than high school. In high school you only have that small group of friends, and if they don't accept you, you're screwed. In college there's so many people, no one gives a shit. And if they do, you can easily find other people to hang out with."

"I mean, L.A. is a very liberal city," Aspen says, "so we're very lucky. But some places aren't like that and you just have to be aware and prepare yourself."

"How did your parents take it?" I ask.

Aspen shrugs. "My mom freaked out at first, but just because we were going through a really stressful time. My dad was fine with it, but that might be because I have a ton of younger siblings."

"My parents were amazing," Vera says. "I'm so lucky. Did your parents not react well?"

"My mom reacted the best out of the two," I say. "My dad...he's better now." Family dinners are still tense, and my dad and I don't have the same relationship as we once did, but I guess it could be worse. At least I have my mom and my sister on my side.

"Same here," Rhys says. "My dad came around, with my mom's help, but he can be a little insensitive sometimes." I've been on the receiving end of a few of his dad's comments, and sometimes it's really hard to let them slide, even though Rhys doesn't want me to argue with him.

"It could be worse," Vera says, "which isn't that comforting, but I know a few people who got kicked out of their homes and were homeless for a few months. I couldn't even imagine."

Suddenly my mom's voice rings out. "Okay everyone! Lunch is about ready. Everyone gather around for a toast!" My parents are standing in the center of the living room, drinks raised high. My mom smiles at me, then begins the toast.

"For wonderful memories!" I share a smile with Rhys. "And for new adventures!"

I take Rhys's hand and hold it tight.

Saturday 9:27 p.m.

Rhys Wyer

Thankfully Tristan threw a graduation party, so Mav and I didn't end the year with a boring ass luncheon. It was nice to talk to Aspen and Vera and get a few questions answered. But nothing felt officially done until you got completely wasted.

"Here," Mav says, suddenly right next to me and handing me a cup full of sloshing liquid.

"What is it?"

"I don't really know," Mav says with an uncharacteristic giggle, before taking a huge gulp from his cup. I raise an eyebrow and then take a tentative sip of mine. It tastes like cheap beer. You would think with so much money Tristan would buy better alcohol, but there we have it.

We walk around, chatting with a few people, avoiding the ones we know are even a little homophobic. At a party last weekend, Mav nearly punched the living shit out of this sophomore who called us fags. I convinced Mav that since we were nearly graduating it wasn't worth it, especially since he got a lacrosse scholarship at Colgate University.

Ah, college, the first real big change that would test our relationship. I don't know if I'm ready for it. A few smaller things have changed since we started dating too, I can't help but think, as I look around the mansion size living room.

Sarah and Alex finally started dating. I spot them making out, of course, on one of the couches, with no care for how public it is. Mav and I could never do that. But that's a perk of being a straight couple, I guess (and personally, that's where the perks end).

Lauren has a thing with this Northview guy, who is best friends with Jackson, of all people. The three of them are going to University of Oregon.

I applied to Colgate University, but without the help of a lacrosse commitment or something similar like Mav had, I didn't get in. Instead I'm going to NYU, majoring in studio art. We're in the same state, but we're four hours away.

I down the rest of my drink in a pathetic way to stop thinking about it. It doesn't work. If anything, I feel more restless. Mav must sense something, because he leans in close.

"Want to go upstairs?" he whispers. Maybe it's the alcohol in my veins or the familiar scent of Mav that makes me not give a shit. I grab his hand and lead him past the crowds and up the stairs. The moment we step into an empty room, Mav fumbles to lock the door and then we start kissing.

We wobble standing up so we stagger onto the bed, my shirt an intricate puzzle to take off, and our belts are even worse. And I keep getting distracted by the heat of Mav's mouth, my fingers working his jeans only to slack and curl around his waist.

I wonder how many more times we get to do this before we go to college. What if we can't handle the long distance? How am I supposed to function? How will I live without him? Will I know when it's our last kiss?

My arms hold Mav closer, so maybe he won't disappear in a few months, maybe we still have a couple years to waste away together just like this. His mouth tastes like salt, and it takes me a few moments to realize why. Mav pulls away first, his forehead creased with worry. His thumb skims my wet cheeks, rubbing the tears away.

"Why are you crying?" he asks. I shake my head, wiping at my face.

"I don't know," I say, "God, I'm sorry, this is so stupid. I don't know why I'm crying."

Mav takes my face in his hands, pushing back my hair from my cheeks, then he kisses me softly. "I think you know why. You can tell me. It's okay."

The words rush out, all the pain, the worry, the sleepless nights wondering when everything is going to crash and burn. "I guess I just feel like it's all gonna end. We only have the summer and then it's done and you're gonna be four hours away and I won't get to see you ever. What if we don't make it? What if the distance is too much? What if─"

"Hey, stop," Mav interrupts, "listen to me, Rhys." His blue eyes, which in the dim light look like the blue of a teeming ocean, pierce me like they always have. "If it's meant to be, it will be. I believe we can make it work. But don't worry, at least not right now. The summer isn't over yet. Hell, it just started. And you know what? Maybe we don't last forever─"

I must have made a noise of protest, because Mav stops to kiss me.

"Hear me out," Mav says when he pulls away, his hands still cradling my cheeks. "Maybe we don't last forever, no matter how much we want to, no matter how much we try. But those uncertainties are for the future, they are the future. It's what makes the future so scary and exciting at the same time. Now is all we have. It's now that we can promise each other and that's what we should focus on. Not next week, not the end of summer, and not college. Just now."

This time I kiss him.


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