chapter 52

897 14 3

"I like one, three, and five" You say leaning back in your chair about to fall asleep. Zac was sitting across from you.

"Well that's unfortunate because I like two and four." zac says laughing rubbing his eyes looking at the 5 venues in front of him. You sit up and grone grabbing venue two and looking at it.

"I love this one baby." You say holding it up.

"You just said you didn't like it though." Zac said laughing.

"Well I do now." You say putting it back down. You stand up and walk over to Zac sitting on his lap hugging him.

"Baby you can't be tired" Zac says in your shoulder.

"Why not." You moan

"Because we have to get this done." Zac says rubbing your back.

"Baby I like Venue two and so do you. We got it. It's done. I'm so tired." You say with breaks in between falling asleep.

"What about the colors? Did we decide on those?" Zac says as you fall asleep.

"Y/nnnn" Zac says taking you off his lap so you wake up. You whine and sit back on him stubbornly.

"No if you sit on my lap you'll fall asleep.." Zac laughs making you whine.

"What colors?" Zac says holding up about 45 colors.

"White and Light blue." You say taking them out of his hand and putting them on the table next to the Venue.

"I was thinking that!" Zac says smiling.

"Now can I sit on your lap?" You say pouting

"Come here.." Zac says grabbing you and hugging you pulling you on his lap.

"We need pizza..." Zac says mumbling in your shoulder.

"Right now?" You question snugging deeper into his neck.

"Yea! We need to wake up!" Zac said taking his phone out and dialing the pizza shop. He orders a pizza and hangs up.

"Baby it will be here in about 25 minutes." Zac says kissing your ear.

"Yay!" You say trying to sound enthusiastic.

"It's 2:30." Zac's says laying his head on yours.

"I want our bed." You mumble.

"Me too." Zac says.

You wake up to the sound of the door knocking. You get up pay him and bring the pizza to Zac who's hands were on his chest in the position they were around you. You wake him up by kissing him over and over.

"Mhmmm" Zac said waking up with your lips pressed against kiss.

"The pizza is here." You giggle.

"Already?" He says rubbing his eyes like a little kid.

"Yes baby we fell asleep." You say grabbing his hand.

"Okay I'm coming." Zac says laughing standing up.

You both walk over to the couch and open the pizza and both take some. Zac grabs two pieces and puts them together.

"Ew Zac" you say bitting into your piece.

"What?! Double is so good.." Zac says his mouth full.

"It's the same thing just slobbish" you giggle at him.

"Try it." He says pointing it to you.



"No Zachary"

"Yes y/n"

"Fine" You say bitting a little off.

"Wow what a great bit." Zac says laughing

"Shut up!" You say chewing

"It's the same thing you just get more in the bite." You laugh

"Exactly" He says taking a huge bite

"We've gotten a lot done. But we still need a date..." You say looking at the calendar.

"What about in September or November." Zac suggests.

"For a fall theme? But then we would have to change the color theme." You reason

"Oh right well the colors are kind of what about may?" Zac says.

"That's what I was thinking!" You say looking at May.

"It will be on a Saturday..." Zac beings

"What about this date..." you show him and he smirks

"I know it's sappy but I mean..." you look at him.

"We should do it baby. That day yes." Zac says pulling you into his chest and hugs you.

"Okay...I'll call tomorrow and ask..." you say hugging him tighter

"Perfect" Zac says kissing your head

"You want another piece?" You say handing taking another

"Yes please." Zac's says as you hand it to him.


You fell asleep about 5:30 in the morning. An empty pizza box was on the table next to you and you and Zac were sleeping on the couch. You heard a baby's cry and got up and fed Lily. You cuddled next to Zac against Zac and he woke up.

"I'm so tired." He said rubbing his eyes

"Shut up I just had to fed Lily and she fell back asleep for a good 2 more hours so be quiet so I can sleep and don't move because your warm." You say all at once.

"Okay baby." Zac laughs and rubs your cheek for you to look up at him. You lazily look up and he sweetly kisses you a few times. You pull away slowly and snuggle into him.

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