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"Aloha!! I'm Lilo! And this is my puppy Stitch."

"Meega Nala Kweesta!"

"What did I tell you about saying those words?"

"Naga bootifa."

"Good puppy. Anyways, some of you may be wondering about us."


"So we started an ask-y.... Thing"

"Ih. Ih. Ask us questions?"

"Just leave us a question in the comments and we'll answer!"

"Ya. Meega answer questions now?"

"Soon. You have to be patient. Anyways, we hope to welcome you to our Ohana!"

"Ohana mean family. Morcheeba! Morcheeba! Questions now, Lilo??"

"Ok, Stitch! Let the questions begin!"

Ask Lilo and StitchWhere stories live. Discover now