3 - the leaf

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monthes had past since the death off zabuza. now I was being chased in the akastuki.

i was minding my own business doing my hobby. jutsu collecting i was in the land of thunder haven't pissed them off enough might as we steal there the the .

but i don't use them it's just interested to see what there is. I pretty much have a collection from every village.

I was walking round the mainū village waiting for darkness to fall. I really want there teleporting jutsu. but there was a red cloud cloak chasing me. a blond haired girl. steel kekkei Genkai. i wounder if she's as good as me. well she is older. I have to give her the befit of the doubt. I acted like i didn't see her because I didn't wanted to course a seen and get worked out. "hey!"she screamed.
i creature a quick dust storm. why don't people under stand I'm trying to get out of the killing game.i sighed.

i got out of the Forset and i waited for her soon behind. get away from the metal. she got a collection with her. I stood and faced her. " Akira stone faces me. if i win join the akastuki. "

" I'm trying to get out of that game. I will not fight you."i said.

" then i will kill you."

" your going to find that very hard. I know the inside of the metal style you think your going to win. "

she attacked i grabbed her arm and bent it around the back "you would even be able to use that power against me for that long. let alone kill me. now go!"i yelled at her

"i am not taking orders from a brat."she said.

i pissed her off and she started lunching project at a speed i couldn't match. answer is run and gather.

she taut me while I lead her away from any metal. she couldn't free anywhere. the was rich in iron company. " what's the matter?"i asked her.

she looked panic. "only know how to us steel?"i asked.

she tried to ran i block her with a wall of ice. " see learn every think about your target before you attack."

"Lucy Scott. hidden sand. dominant steel user. left the village for a lover datira i think his name was. level of skill chunin. you don't not have the skill to fugue metal from charkra like me. your week. made if you grew up in the mist i would take you seriously. but the only think you have on me is speed i do not have enough time to counter your attacks. and seeing i don't use thunder i can not strike you down. "

"wait steel you need fire earth and lighting how."

" seeing im going to kill you any way. my fire styles. is hotter then any fire style. plus water charkra cools with the wind. it works. now how would you like to to die?"

i started freezing were i walked and blue flames grew. i decide to just kill her. I threw a blade ices to her neck but her body was rigged to blow. i got lunched into the air. I cracked my head on a rock knocking me out.

i woke up and there was a man standing over me. "are you all right young lady."he said.

" where am i?"i asked him.

" that must of been some knock to the head you receive. "

that's the sanin from the leaf I need to watch myself. "do you remember your name?"

i didn't want to tell him my name. "no do you know me?"i lied.

" i don't have known you since you where a child Akira. "

" that's right your friend with mum and dad. you going to take me in to the hidden leaf ."

" i watch you fight that akastuki member. you didn't seem like you wanted to fight."

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