Ch. 1: My new life.

Comenzar desde el principio

I don't know how long I was in there for, but I wasn't ready to get out, not yet atleast. After I didn't have any tears left, I decided it was time to get out and go to bed. I reached around me to turn the knob off and I tried to stand up, but I couldn't get my legs to work, they felt like jello. There was no way I was getting out anytime soon. I looked around and saw my clock hanging on the wall. 2:36.'Great! How long was I in here?' I yelled for my mom but I guess she couldn't hear me. I got tired of yelling and just sat back and closed my eyes. when I was almost asleep I heard a knock on the door, I reached over quickly and grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me. The door opened and my jaw dropped."Christian?" I looked up at him and was mesmerized by his looks. This was the first time I actually got a good look at him. He was light skinned with bright blue eyes, his dark brown hair was in that messy way that made it look like he ran his hands through it too many times, he looked gorgeous. "What are you doing here?" I finally asked, after I gave him a once over. He was just standing with the door ajar like it was no big deal. "I heard you yelling for your mom and I noticed she wasn't coming up, so I went to come check on you, are you okay?" If my brain was working right I nay have said something like 'Oh yeah peachy, I'm just sitting in the tub with no water in it for nothing' but since my brain wasn't working right I managed to say, "Umm well my legs uh won't work, and I can't get out...". That had to be the stupidest remark that has ever came out of my mouth. 'I'm so stupid sometimes!' I thought to myself. I look up at Christian to see him smirking a little. 'I honestly didn't think this was funny.. just embarrassing.Why did this Greek God make my brain shut off and make me sound unsmart'? "Here let me help you up." He suggested. Once again I was embarrassed, I only had a towel on, for Gods sake! 'I'm going to die from embarrassment, in a freaking towel at that!' I seen him reaching down for me so I wrapped my hand around his neck as he grabbed my legs and back to lift me up. I was so close to his chest I could feel his muscles underneath the shirt ripple. 'He's picking me up like I weighed nothing'!

He walked gently toward my bed where he laid me down and stood back a step. "Umm.. thank you for that, I appreciate it a lot. Do you mind handing me my robe over there?" I asked pointing to the end of my bed, where it laid on my bed post. My robe was lime green, my favorite color, I just bought it the other day and have yet to use it. He handed it to me and turned around, waiting for me to put it on. 'Gosh! He is such a gentleman.' I cleared my throat to get his attention and he turned back around.
"How did you get in my room?" I asked sleeply, as look around my second story room and noticed the window was open, but I didnt remember opening it.
"Your window was opened so I climbed on up, I hope you dont mind." He said sheepishly. He looked around my room nervously, not making eye contact with me. I seen him staring at a picture frame that was on my desk.
"That's me and my father, he passed away a couple of years ago from a car accident." I said sadly, trying not to remember that unfortunate time. But as hard as I tried to keep the memory away, it crept up anyway.
'Hey dad can we go get ice cream?' My sixteen year old self asked. Me and my dad always get ice cream after I pass my tests at school, so today was no different.
"Yes sweetie, we can go get ice cream, you worked really hard on passing that test." Replied my dad, giving me a proud smile.
It was a routine that we always did, and it made me want to pass more of my test that much more, that's why I'm a straight A student.
My dad grabbed his keys and his jacket and we went out the front door for his car. It started to rain once we reached the car doors so we hurried up and shut the doors to get out of the pouring rain. Its been raining on and off for a couple of days now and I'm getting sick and tired of it. Once we were buckled in he started to back out of the driveway.
The ice cream shop was only about ten miles away so it wasn't that far. I reached over and turned the volume up on the radio and instantly started to dancing to one of my favorite songs from P!nk. My dad looked over at me and started laughing, and I just kept on dancing. The car hit a big puddle and we hydroplaned into the other side of the road where incoming cars were coming. "Hold on!" My dad screamed at me, trying to control the steering wheel. I grabbed onto my seat belt and the bar on the roof. The car skidded to a stop on the wrong side of the road and a car was coming towards, I knew the other car didn't have time to slow down, and if he did then he still would have slid into us. "Daddy!" I screamed right as soon as the car plowed into us on my fathers side, pushing our car further into the road, making us roll three times until we stopped. Our car was upside, I looked over at my dad and he was just hanging there, the seatbelt the only thing keeping him up. I screamed and cried until my throat couldn't handle anymore. I heard sirens in the distance, so I reached over to my dads arm and starting shaking it. "Daddy, daddy wake up! The cops are coming, you gotta wake up!" I cried, but he didn't move, he didn't even make a sound. I started freaking out and that's when the cops showed up, hollering and barking orders. I looked out of my crushed window and seen a cop there, saying everything was going to be okay, I didn't believe him for a minute. The officer told me to hold on while he cut my seat belt loose. Once it was cut, gravity wanted me to fall but I held on until the officer helped me out of the car. He layes me on the ground while a paramedic checked me out. Another officer was helping my dad out and another was getting the guy that had hit us on accident. When the paramedic deemed me okay except for some scratches and cuts I ran over to where they had my father on the ground, I was almost there when the officer that got me out of the car grabbed me and held be back. "You can't go over their ma'am, I dont think you should see that." I started screaming again and going hysterical. "He's my father, you have to let me see him! You have to!" By then my eyes were so wet with tears that I couldn't see in front of me, my legs went weak and if it wasn't for the cop behind me I would have scraped my knees on the road. I'm not sure how long I sat there crying, until my mom showed up and hugged me so tight while walking me to her car, I glanced at her face and seen that she was crying just as much as me. "Were going to be fine honey, everything will be fine." I looked behind me and seen the paramedic zip up a body bag with my dad in it. "Why are they zipping him in a bag mom? He just needs to go to the hospital! He's fine, he'll be fine!" I tried running over to my dad but my mom held me back. "Honey, your father didn't make it. We gotta go to the hospital to get you check out."
"Chloe?" I snapped out of the memory and realized Christian was staring at me. I felt liquid on my face, and started to wipe the evidents of my crying off my face. "You okay, chloe?" He asked, coming to sit on the end of the bed, facing me. He look so concerned, and I couldn't figure out why. We just met a couple of hours ago, it wasn't like he knew me for years.

I will be putting this story on hold while I finish my other one, if any of y'all would like me to keep writing just let me know and I will. I started this story a few years ago and I'm not able to change the first page, because It keeps freezing up on me! Sooo.. Just let me(: Any support from you guys will be greatly appreciated!

Hugs and kisses,

My new life. (on hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora