The fight

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Me and Jamar was gonna shoot our music video 'Dope Nigga ft. TyTheGuy' today. So I got up and brushed my teeth in the shower. I got out then washed my face. I put on my undergarments and clothes

"JAMAR" I yelled. She ran over. "Yea" "Where is Tylar" "oh he's with 'Jada' " she said using quotation marks also rolling her eyes. "Omg THAT LIL PIECE OF SHIT" I yelled. "She actually threatened me so once she get here I'm beating her ass" Jamar said walking off.

I was walking of into my room but I bumped into charc. "Oh hey Charc I'm sorry" I said. "Its ok but do you know where Tylar at" "with Jada *mumbles hoe*" "what was dat last word" "oh nun I gtg get dressed I love you Charc" "I love you to Jamar" I ran into my room and locked the door behind me. I put on my clothes

Yes I'm the person that likes to be nude that is why I wear clothes like that. I walked out my room and went to go get Ty. "Ty you ready" "yesh" she said walking out. We grabbed the stuff we need and walked out. I locked the door behind us.

We was walking down the hall and saw Tylar and Jada. Jada gave me a nasty look and then Jamar jumped on her a started to punch her repeatedly not letting Jada even punch her. Then Jada nose started bleeding and she had a whole bunch of scratches. Jamar then started stomping on her but Tylar pulled her off. The funny thing is all you see is tracks scattered around the halls. Jada limped back to the entrance door but tripped and fell on her face. If you was saying 'wat is Ty doin' well I was just cracking up about her falling and choking on the track that went in her mouth. Gurl she gonna need that help I fallin and I can't get up button. "JAMAR WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" "NIGGA DONT YOU FUCKING SEE THAT SHES A HOE DO YOU SEE THAT" "NO JAMAR I DONT" "SO HER GOING AROUND PLACES BEING A STRIPPER BEING WITH OTHER. AND I'M GIVING TRUE FACTS NOW" "JAMAR WDYM" "TYLAR SHE THREATED ME AND SHE PACIFICLY SAID THAT WHEN SHE GET ALL THE MONEY AND THINGS THAT SHE WANT FROM YOU SHE IS LEAVING YO STUPID ASS" Jamar said walking off. Tylar just standed there and I was just scared cause I never saw Jamar like this. "Well gtg" I said running off like a lil short girl.

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