Connected Fire

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Kermit woke up in the morning like he did always, alone. He walked over to the mirror and looked at himself. He quietly judged himself, just as his father would when he was younger."Nothing has gotten better" He said to himself. He got into the shower and stared at his hands. Kermit began to have flashbacks of when his father beat him. It was his worst nightmare.

He stepped out of the shower when his doorbell rang. "Who could this be?" Kermit thought to himself. He went over to the door and saw Bakugo-Kun standing in his doorway through the peep-hole in his door. Bakugo played with a miniature explosion in his hand. Kermit opened the door, "H-hello?" Kermit said with a nervous tone in his voice. "Hey, you left this at school the other day so I thought I'd drop it by for you." Bakugo said.  Kermit thanked him and offered him to cum inside, Bakugo accepted and came in.

Bakugo looked around and admired the house. "Wow, I can't believe I'm standing in Kermit's house!" Bakugo thought to himself. Kermit made some tea for him and Bakugo some bitter tea. Bakugo sipped a little of it then sat it on the table, "Bitter tea? It's my favorite." He said. Kermit said it was his favorite as well, they spent hours and hours talking about tea's and coffees.

Eventually Kermit offered Buffalo-Kun to come to his room and watch T.V. Bakugo sits on Kermit's bed, Kermit gets comfortable and spreads his legs just enough for Bakugo to notice. "You shouldn't spread them like that someone might just try and pull a fast one on your dick." He said then laughs. Kermit felt his face getting hot, Bakugo gets closer to Kermit's waist. Kermit is hotter than an Easy-Bake Oven, Bakugo puts a hand on Kermit's leg and begins to move closer to his dick. Kermit is trying not to laugh, when suddenly Bakugo touches his dick. The atmosphere in the room becomes t h i c c. Bakugo kisses Kermit, he stops, and gets up. "I-I'm sorry I can't!" Bakugo says as he grabs his items and leaves.
Kermit is frozen in place, he can't feel, he's sad.

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