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     Hey, y'all its me again. Hope you liked chapter one.

song of the chapter: 5 Seconds of Summer- Amnesia

     As soon as David stepped in, it was like he realized that I was going to wail, I guess its because he saw my looking at the walls and pictures of us when I was little with my brother, mom and dad. So he told me to go upstairs and he would make some food adding on, "your room is the same room." I nodded and made my way up the stairs.

     I opened my door and my nose was filled with the scent of an ocean freeze. Ahhhhhhh I said to myself the room still has the old scent I know and love. I dropped my bag and luggage bag on the floor and jumped face first into the bed. I heard David call my name, but I didn't answer.

    Then he came into my room; wow I can't believe I'm saying this, its my freaking room, I live here now, no more Australia. As I was saying, he came into MY room and said,"I made a sub for you" But, I had already closed my eyes, acting as if I was asleep and he said, "oops, sorry didn't notice, I'll let you rest" I heard foot steps go out the door and opened my eyes. Suddenly, I felt my eyes grow heavy and next thing you know, I am knocked out.


     I wake up and start to panic and looking all around taking in my surroundings because I wasn't quite sure where I was, then in a flash I realized that I'm at David's house in Worcester. I sigh and look at the time, it read, 13:35 . Wow, I slept for like 3 hours, longest nap I token in a while. I went downstairs and saw David saying goodbye to this tall brunette woman who looks like she is in her mid-20s. As soon as she leaves I say, "Awwwwww, whose that"

     "My girlfriend"

     "Hey I thought I was the only girl in your life"

     "Well, things have changed, my child", was all he responded with. I clutched my heart and acted as if I was taken aback and he just laughed. He phone started to ring then he answered it, I sat on a bar stool and began eating my sub. Then, I saw his face quickly shift to annoyed and hanged up the phone. He said, "Something happened at the school. I gotta go, but do you wanna come with?"

     "Yeah", I replied and got my phone from my room along with my headphones. I got in the car and he drove to the school.

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