Chapter 1

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I sat in class, picking at my uneven nails, bored as always, ( i mean it's 10 grade for god's sake ) when I was called on...

" Sadie? What's the answer to this problem? " my algebra 2 teacher said, frowning.

" Uhh.. well... I- 34.95? " I guessed

" Yes, perfect... NO! It's 12. " he said grabbing a referral paper.

" How does that warrant a referral Mr. Jones? " I asked raising my eyebrow in confusion

" You were sleeping during class. Miss. Rosa " he explained

I smiled, ready for business

" But how can you tell that I was asleep, I could just not understand the work because you are quite a fast talker and writer. I appreciate that over a slow one but- "

" Office, now " he said grinning

Mr. Jones and I had a hate- dislike relationship. We always made class into a courtroom. I'm really not a bad person, but he could tell I needed a break.

I grabbed my bag and tried to hold back an annoyed laugh... but I failed.

" hmph " I said grabbing the paper.

" You too miss. " he said.

I sat in the office doing the work I missed for class. The principal wouldn't let me leave because he hates my guts.

" Welcome back Sadie. Do you need help with math? " the secretary Miss. Honi said stifling a grin.

" Thank you much, but I'm good. "

" Mr. Fredrickson will see you now. " she said

I turned around smiling genuinely.

" Of course. Thanks Miss. H "

" No prob. "

I went into the room and talked and told him sorry and did all the dumb sentimental stuff so I could just get out of there and go to gym and, honestly I HATE gym.

Walking to my favorite class, history some brat in some slutty clothes who ( if she wasn't popular ) should be written up came to me

" Hey sweetie, check your makeup right there. " she said pointing to my... well my whole face.

" Hey sweetie, can you get your finger away from my face before I break it? " I asked grinning.

" Excuse me? Oh honey you... are... dead, be prepared! After school you are DEAD! " she screamed running off.

I literally couldn't believe what I was just told,

" I'm dead? I'm dead! Oh god! They can't know, mom, what do I do if I don't fight back? " I asked myself looking in the mirror

I quickly pulled up my boring long blonde hair and splashed water on my pale face before I walk out.

A few hours later I walked out to my car, but of course, a huge jock and his friend just HAD to waltz over.

" Hey sweetie, how ya- "

" Zip it man and let me get into my car... thanks. " I said, frowning

He smiled at me and lifted his hand.

That's when it happened

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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