My NightMare starts. (Chapter #1)

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Mio's POV : hhhh....It's 8:00 i gotta be ready for school ugh.. -.-'
Mio stands up and races her arms and veel the fresh air coming trougth her arms, she stands up and wears her Bunny Flippers. She exits her room and looks down the Stairs.
Mio : "Moooommm????"
It was for 8 seconds Quite. /:
Mio : "Maaaaaammmm!!!!"
Mom (Sadori) :"Oh! Sorry hun goodmorning! I was kida bussy makin your breakfast!!"
Mio : "Oh...! It's okay, im coming!"
Mio walks down and sees her mom with a Happy glance on her face her name is Btw Sadori she is 39 years old. Mio's dad got Divorced with her mom like 5 years ago. Her dad was not a Happy man, he was only fighting about money and didn't care about his family.  He hurted her like somany times and have 2 bruises on her back and 1 on her arm. Later that day he got much money he started robbing and left the house without any Knowing, then the mother became werry worried and saw him one time in the News she got werry disaponted and wanted to forget him
(ps she trew her ring away .-. )
But now she is an Happy mother with Mio.
Mio : "So my breakfast is??"
Mom : "Guess what! Bacon and Egg!"
Mio : "Errr...Again?"
Mom : "Ahww come on is there something?"
Mio : "No no this is fine.. it's just i had Bacon and Egg like so many times for my breakfast!!"
Mom : "Sweetie! Don't judge me! I buied (Idk if it spelled good) this with my own Money!"
Mio : "Agh okay okay! It's fine i can eat it!"
Mom : "Fine then...Heh."
Mio was sitting at the Dinner table and eats her Breakfast but she totally forgot its her nightmare day. Weekend is just always saving her life like always!
But crap its monday!
Mio stopped eating and her eyes are wide open with fading pupils.
Mom : "Sweetie? Are you okay?
Mio's POV : "Ohg i hear my mom talking to me ._.
But today is going to be bad as hell );"
Mom : " Sweetie!! HEY!"
Mio's eye pupils were back to normal and jumped from scaredness.
Mio : "OH GOD! Mom stop!!"
Mom : "Honey what's happening to you to the last past years! You seemed to be.. eh"
Mio : "Seemed to be what?"
Mom : "Well...Kinda quite |:"
Mio's POV : "And here we go again.."
Mio : "Mom i'm totally Okay! OKAY? It's just.. it's just s-studies o-okay!!"
Mom : "Yeah okay.. eat your breakfast and go change OH! Don't forget to brush your teeth's!"
Mio : " Yeah okay okay.."
Mio stands up and leaves her Plate on the table and walk away.
She goes to the bathroom and looks to the Window.
Mio : "Hhhuuegg ... how ugly am i? *Sigh*"
Mio puts the water on and splashes her face with water. Maybe she got prettier?
Mio : "Ew i'm stil that ugly mushroom ):  "
Mio : "I just wished to be prettier.."
Mio : " *Sigh* forget about it i'm always that ugly girl."
Mio picks up the toothpase and starts brushing her teeths.

When she was done she went straigth to her room and wears her Uniform
School name : TokyoHampthonHills
( name actually reminds me to something😂)
And all done! She's ready to go!
Mio : "Okay mum! I'm ready!!"
Mom : "Okey!! Getin the car!"
Mio exits her room and gets in the car
Als her mom too.
Her mom starts her Car and starts driving.
Mio's POV : "i'm so scared... i hope these girls aren't outside school ):"


Mom : "Okay we're here!"
Mio : "Y-yay.."
Mio grabs her skirt tightly.
Mom : "Umm hun?
Mio : "Ye-yeahh...o-okay..i'm g-going.."
Mom : "Just message me if there is something okay?"
Mio : "Okay mom... ):"
Mio opens the car.
She exits very nervously.
Mio : "B-bye mom.."
Mom : "Bye sweetie be Respectful to the teacher hé!"
Mio : "Yes mom you can go.."
Mom : "Okay Baii!!"
Her mom drives away.
Mio : "Ready?....get set...Go! ):"

                    To be Continued
  I hope yah enjoyed the first Chapter (;

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