1) Know the enemy

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Tony barely managed to plug in the phone to his magical tech when the annoying ringtone cut the air again.

You had been sitting on one of the stools in his lab, staring ahead blindly. You had seen your parents, family dinners and tiny cute birthday parties in a close circle of the few people who still cared. You saw your dad's proud smile when you finished high school despite all the odds of your poor health and your mother's tears on the same occasion, the small dinner they took you to after, because you loved it there and you had preferred it to some fancy restaurant.

A squeeze on your hand brought you back to the present and you blinked, looking up to Steve's face. A shadow of concern was there, but he gave you an encouraging smile you. You gulped, eyeing the phone as if it could explode.

"Gonna put in on speaker, sounds good?" Tony hummed, already accepting the call and truly setting it so all of you could hear the caller. Steve's hand never left yours.

"Hel-hello?" you spoke up quietly, mentally cursing. Too low. Yet, the person on the other end of the line must have heard you, because he responded.

"Hello, my darling!"

Steve's grip tightened as the man greeted you cheerfully and Tony quickly started typing on his silent keyboard to trace the call. You closed your eyes, the picture of your parents, each tied to a chair and a tape covering their mouths, swimming behind your eyelids.

"What do you want?"

There was a short silence following your question.

"Straight to business, I like that," the man commented, his voice, immediately burned into your brain like a brand, sobering up. "I wanted you attention."

"You have it." You have no idea how much attention you have, you dickbag. Touch them and I swear I'll rip you open with my teeth.

"Obviously, Snowflake." You winced, just like Steve, who was trying to keep composed by your side. "I'd like a meeting."

"Why? Why would you kidnap those people? What-"

"Told ya. Wanted your attention. Gotta admit, your backstory is less interesting then I thought, but Michaelses always had high expectations."

There was a bitter note behind his words and your lips parted. What the fuck? Was he trying to lead you astray? Or did he really just introduce himself? Both men present with you seemed as surprised as you were – Tony's eyebrows were up, while Steve's face darkened. He didn't like the man revealing himself so easily and honestly, neither did you.

"Why do you want to meet?"

To kill me?

"Big fan of yours. But with how much fan mail you get, I figured I needed something... bigger."

You gritted your teeth at the painful pang of anxiety attacking your stomach. Yeah, sure, kidnapping your parents was a bit bigger. How the hell had he figured it out? There was no chance this Michaels didn't know who you were, no chance of your parents being the abducted ones being a coincidence. Yet, you needed to be sure.

"And you thought kidnapping two innocent people would do?" you strained through your teeth.

Tony gave you a thumb up and lighted up the big screen – he located the call. Naturally, it was from Pennsylvania; right at the source.

"Worked, didn't it? I'm sure your friends already traced the call to the right building, so now nothing stands in the way of our meeting-" You shot Steve a panicked look – this guy knew very well what he was doing. He must have known how precise the program was, using the military network. How could he know that? "-so why don't you come tomorrow at 8 a.m.? I would set the meeting earlier, but I tend to be cranky before having my coffee."

Heart Too Cold, but Friends of Gold*Captain America*Avengers*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora