Chapter 2

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Even though Waverly had set her alarm for a very specific time she still managed to ignore it and sleep in for an extra 30 minutes, which is when her back-up alarm sounded. Luckily she was starting to wake up naturally by then anyway, so the second alarm just helped pull her out of sleep that little bit quicker. 

When she heard the alarm, she shot up in her bed, like her mattress was on fire. She reached over to her nightstand, where her phone was charging, to turn it off when she noticed what time it was. She scrambled out of bed in a panic, now that she was running the risk of getting Alice to school late. 

"Shit! Shit, crap, bollocks, fucksticks..." She mumbled almost every curse word she knew under her breath as she struggled to pull her work uniform on. 

Waverly hopped around her bedroom for a good 5 minutes, trying to pull her pants over her ass before realizing they had gotten caught around her feet. She calmed herself down slightly and sat on her bed to fix her mistake, then stood up again to pull her pants smoothly over the remainder of her legs.  It was a good job that she took a shower earlier that morning because there wasn't any time for it now. 

Once she was dressed, she made her way back into Alice's room to wake the little girl up. Thankfully, Alice wasn't a heavy sleeper no matter how tired she was, so she was easy to wake up. Waverly sat on the edge of the small bed gently put her hand on Alice's shoulder and gently shook her awake. It took about 30 seconds for the little girl to start responding to Waverly's attempt to wake her up, and her eyes fluttered open with a small yawn and a whine. 

Alice tried rolling back over and cuddling into Waverly's arm, but Waverly put a stop to it straight away. 

"Come on you, you've got school today and I've gotta get to work. You gotta get up for me." 

The little girl whined again but opened her eyes properly and looked up at Waverly with big puppy eyes, hoping it would convince her Aunt to just take the day off so they could both stay at home. 

"I know, I'm so mean. But we gotta get up and get going otherwise we're both gonna be late." She patted Alice's back lightly as she stood back up and rummaged through the girl's closet to pull out an outfit for her for the day. Waverly usually let Alice pick out her clothes for the day, but she always took forever and there wasn't enough time to be parading around in a children's fashion show while she tried on 5 different outfits. 

Once Alice was up and had her teeth brushed, Waverly had laid her outfit out on the bed for her. 

"OK sweet, You get yourself dressed while I finish getting ready, alright? I'm right next door if you get stuck on anything." 

Alice nodded and Waverly left her to it. Waverly only left out her clothes and not her shoes. They were downstairs and she always needed help with them, so they always got put on just before they left so Alice wasn't risking falling if she was walking around with untied shoes on near the stairs. 

While Alice was getting herself dressed, Waverly went back into her room to do her hair and a light layer of makeup. She always did her hair first just in case Alice came in and then there wasn't anything that could risk her getting hurt. Waverly set her hair in light waves then tied it up in a half-up, half-down braided ponytail. She'd spent so long wearing this hair for work, she'd learned to do it quickly and still have it looking neat. 

Alice came into Waverly's room after she'd gotten dressed all by herself. Waverly saw her come in through the reflection in the mirror as she was doing her makeup when the small girl came in. Alice clambered onto Waverly's bed and watched her, transfixed on what her Aunt was doing. She remembered that whenever she saw Waverly with makeup on, Waverly always felt prettier like that. 

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