Star Wars: Breaking Point

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As she marched through the corridors of the Imperial Class Star Destroyer, she was approached by one of her officers.

"Welcome back, Agent Dryv." The imperial officer greeted.

"Captain." She acknowledged as she stopped to look at the officer.

"We have a special task for you." He said. "Came straight from Admiral Ignis."

"And what would that be?" She asked.

"We want you to interrogate a prisoner we've captured while you were out; she has been resistant every since we brought her in last night." He explained.

"That so?" She voiced as they began walking towards the cell block. "And you couldn't find anyone else to do this?"

"You're the best we have ma'am." He expressed. "You're inquisitive, persistent, persuasive and you have a way of connecting to people."

"So, what am I interrogating this prisoner about?" She questioned.

"The admiral didn't specify." The captain said holding out his hand to her. "He gave me this earpiece to give to you though."

"I see." She said taking it putting it in.

{The image above is a depiction of what she looks like}

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{The image above is a depiction of what she looks like}

After arriving at the cell block, she equipped her helm and closed the visor. She was fully clothed in ISB clothing although her helmet was customized. On her back stood a classic E-11 blaster and holstered on her hip; a Model 22T4 ISB Special hold-out blaster.

As she entered the cell that the prisoner was kept in, she saw a woman, who was lying down, backing her.

Alright, Agent Dryv, figure out just who she is.

"Who are you?" She asked the prisoner. "What is your name?"

"My name is Katia Teavek." The woman said as she turned to face her interrogator; sitting up.

"By the stars!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing here, Detective?"

After speaking, she opened the visor and stepped closer to Katia.

"Vidae?!" Katia asked full of shock. "What's with you calling me detective and then removing parts of your helmet to reveal your identity?"

"The real question is what did you do?" She pressed.

"Who is asking?" Katia shot. "You or your superiors?"

"I am, as your friend and as family!" She exclaimed.

"I secured an item or should I say an asset that a friend was protecting." Katia explained. "I guess the imperials really want it."

Figure out where she hid the asset. We searched her ship and it's not there.

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