Chapter 1

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The dull grey sky shrouded over the diminishing land of ooo. Sunlight loomed through the kitchen window in a blinding blaze as a young boy made his way into the rustic dining room.

Out of his blurred sight he could tell that Sarah, his older Sister, was at the opposite side of the room. The young adult was fixing up some breakfast... or..lunch since the time had shown that it was already in the afternoon. In a heap of excitement, the boy quickly climbed up to the kitchen table, struggling to contain himself due to the delicious aroma from the food Sarah was cooking for him.

A second later, Sarah turned to the table with a plate full of fried rice.
"Well, look who's finally up.",
she said, giving a smile to the sleepy boy sitting at the table.
"Yaaay! My Favourite!", the boy shouted rippling joyously.
"Oh no, not the rice Monster! Better get these as far away from here as possible..", Sarah joked slightly taking a few steps away from the table.
The boy lightly slammed the table following his remark,
"Heyy!! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!",

"Alright, alright, give me your plate Jack..", she said with a giggle.
Soon, the boy was munching away. Savouring the tasty flavour in his sore and dry mouth.
Sarah took a seat on the opposite side of the table and could only look at the little boy eating the last bit of their food.
"We're on a scarce again..", the woman worried in her thoughts. Living a life as fugitives wasn't really what Sarah had in mind after running away from their tribe. An organisation that called themselves the "second era helpers", run by a bunch of humans that called themselves 'professional medical experts'. Collecting children for the sake of "probation and privation". These people called themselves many names, but that didn't prove to be any true with what they'd actually been doing. "Experiments and artificial evolution" they said when Jack had been deceived by those liars. But of course, Sarah was always the one to know better and not be so oblivious to actually believe on what their program was doing was right. So she ran away with Jack and had been calling themselves siblings ever since. They dreamed of a life where they'd be free to explore this land that they'd been forced to stay at, and so, why wait any longer when they could pursue it at that moment. They found a shelter and have packed a supply of food, but most of it got lost when they had been caught by security at the helper's centre. Now here they were, running low on food and having to starve for a few more hours before it'd be safe to go out. She gave a grin to the boy who was munching away all the food on the plate. Her finger feathered across the wooden table, lost in thought of what to do, but soon she felt her stomach growl. Hunger was starting to invade her mind but she tried her best to endure the pain.

Jack faced toward Sarah and etched his features in worry, "Sarah, don't you want to eat?", Jack spoke as he took notice of his sister's expression. "Here..", he pushed the plate over to her on the other end of the table. Sarah looked down to the plate, shook her head and pushed it back to her little brother, "No! you need to eat, Jack. You've starved longer than I have.", she contemplated at her little brother.
Jack noticed Sarah's dark under eyes and the wrinkles forming on her forehead. He had never seen his sister look so exhausted. By this point he was feeling guilty for eating.

"I...", Jack spoke before getting cut off by a loud explosion. Both siblings shrieked as the room shook.
Another explosion emitted but it almost felt louder than the one before.
Sarah quickly got up and hurried to Jack but fell down on her way to him.
The shaking was becoming violent and was now making a mess of the room.
Through the tatters of the curtains, Jack witnessed red and orange flairs of light flashing in the reflection of the blurred out window, following another loud detonation.

Sarah grabbed Jack and squeezed him tightly in her arms. "It's another attack.", Jack muttered to his sister.
Sarah was terrified. She greatly feared if the same fate of what had happened last time would repeat itself.
Jack wasn't scared though. Even in the brink of certain doom, he always determined himself to be brave at all costs, no matter how different the land of Ooo was.
The explosions continued on and on until..... they suddenly stopped.
Sarah slowly opened her eyes and took a glimpse of how wrecked the room was.
"I think it stopped", she said as she loosened the grip on her brother.
Jack looked back up to the window. He didn't see any of the flairs anymore, but something caught his attention. A black dot was in the sky.
Sarah got up, dusted herself and started picking up the pots and pans laying scattered on the wooden floor.
"Sarah look! that little dot is getting bigger in the sky.", he exclaimed pointing his finger to the window.

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