The Adventure at the SCARBOROUGH FAIR

Start from the beginning

CHAPTER 3: the king lays in bed until a loud knock on his door is heard "yes come in" Alexander enters "AH ALEXANDER MY BOY COME IN" he beams with delight seeing him "so are you enjoying today must be great seeing the festivities and smelling the sweet aromas ah if only your mother was here" Alexander sighs yeah dad "I still am reminded every time I smell the rosemary on the summer breeze" the king smiled "she loved having it in her hair I know" then the king smiles "though you should be happy you'll get to enjoy that kind of life soon maybe after today's festival" the king smirks at him Alexander sighs "yeah about that I" the king cuts him off "why my boy you seem almost down about the idea" Alexander just looks at him pleadingly "why should I have to find a princess?" This riles up the king "look here its the law of the land you need a queen by your eighteenth birthday" the king then looks at him "I know its not what you really want but please this land is in dire need your marriage will unify a kingdom which makes ours stronger and it will give our people hope that things will get brighter" Alexander shrugs but agrees  on that part the king smiles "look how bout this since your 18th birthday is next year I will make you a deal if you find one of royalty and marry before the next fair then we will cancel the arranged marriage I planned fair enough?" Alexander mulled over his fathers words carefully "so your saying anyone royal and I'm free?" the king smiles "by my decree yes though id suggest choose wisely because your personal ball and chain is by your design not mine" Alexander smiles greatly "OK the deal is on" they shake hands and the bargain is struck but before Alexander leaves the chamber the king calls out "though at least spend some time with the ambassador I heard the rumor was it was the princess herself at least meet her" with that Alexander nods then leaves thinking there's no real harm in meeting anyone

CHAPTER 4: as the day progressed he wandered the town seeing the festival stalls being built marveled as performers of many kinds practiced there tricks he was thrilled to see such wonder and amazement taking place in one kingdom he truly felt lucky then sniffed the air as the trade winds brought the sweet scents he remembered as a child that tells of when the spice traders of different lands arrived with there goods to sell "mmm the sweet scents of parsely sage rosemary and thyme" with that he left for the market district if there was one thing he secretly enjoyed most of all its this one thing he could never share with anyone or tell he made sure no one was watching as he snuck into the dress shop the clerk noticed and tapped him on the shoulder "back again are we?" He blushes and smiles "yea I never can stay away" she smiles "I really don't understand why you make such a big deal about this" he sighs "so whats new today?" she laughs oh just the finest cottons from the desert kingdom of Nazaria or maybe the softest silks from the sea fearing kingdom of Casparia he smiles big I guess id like to try the silks she laughs and says "well I kinda figured you would" and leads him to the changing room he slips on the shimmering silky dress the glimmering crystals along the bodice and hems sparkle in the light he gazes at himself in the mirror in his shimmering red dress "hello again my true self" he twirls in the dress "if only people could see deep down I'm a princess even if I have to play at being a prince" he sighs as the girl walks in "wow you look stunning hang on" she dashes out only to come back with grooming tools "hold still" minutes later he gazed back amazed his hair is let out and in ringlets all curled on sides and styled like a desert princesses he looks at her "are the bangles too much?" She smiles "nah they give your hair a definitive tone" he smiles "oh thank you I look amazing" she laughs "who'd ever guess our fair prince was a fair maiden" she laughs happily "glad you like it and since its your birthday you should have it" Alexander happily smiles "you sure?" She beams "it really does look good on you" then emphasis "your highness" he laughs "do you think people would recognize me?" She looks at him then says "dressed like that I doubt it" so he smiles and walks out of the store "tonight I get to be a princess" he smiles to himself walking down the market street in his new dress and slippers

The Adventure at the Scarborough FairWhere stories live. Discover now