"Are you calling my pretty Yu a wackjob?" Shouto asked, looking at Emon with the same glare from before. "Hmmm?"

"N-no, sir...!"

"Good, or else I would leave you worse than Joe left Yuri at the end of Megalo Box."

'What...? I don't get that reference...' "I-if I may ask, what brings you to this side of town? I'm sure that there are supermarkets near your house."

"I know, but this one is the only one who has the type of mushrooms I need for my stew. But what were you saying? Something about kid Hikaru."

"Oh, right. Fujiko satyed back at Hage, Hikaru literally said he was going to goof around and Ryuuga went to the Mikazuchi building. As for me, I'm on my way to fight a friend of mine. I decided to stop by to get a drink and then bumped into you."

"Maybe it was fate, maybe it was just luck. Two Kagero players meeting just like this. And you know, I'm not surprised that a Kagero user is a member of a school's Royalty. Ace, right?"

Emon nodded. "I've been the Ace ever since I entered Heiwa and am not planning on leaving the title behind until I graduate out of Heiwa."

"That's a good spirit. You know, not to brag or anything, but in the goold old days, I had the biggest burning spirit anyone ever saw in Vanguard! I made my own title with my own hands. I didn't needed to become an Ace or a Jack or a King. I was my own king because it was my own future." The man grabbed the handlebar of his shopping cart and started walking away. "But again, these are just the words of an old adult. Have a good day, Emon."

"Make my own title and my own future..." Emon muttered, taking a look at his bare hands before looking back at Shouto and rushing after him. "Hey wait! That thing you said about making your own future and title!"

"What's so special about it? Like I said, those were just words of an old adult."

"Exactly! For ages I didn't know what I wanted to do. All I did was follow a friend's footsteps into the Royalty. All I did was fight and win to become the Ace! I didn't knew what I wanted to do with the future that awaited me..." He looked at Shouto with a determined look on his eyes. "But now I do! I want to become strong for my team and win with them! I want to make a name for myself with them! I'll grab that future with these bare hands for them! Can you help me? I need to get stronger for my teammates!"

'Such a determiantion... It reminds me of Ryuuga when he returned from the internship interview...' Shouto thought. He then smirked. "Then answer me this. What is the real meaning of Kagero?"

Emon flinched at the question. "What is... I'm sorry, what?"

"What is the real meaning of Kagero? I want to be sure you know it before I decide an answer for you. It's an easy question to answer. Kagero users would be able to answer it within seconds, maybe even right away."

"I am a true Kagero user because I know that the answer to that is Heat Haze! Kagero is the literal translation of Heat Haze!"

"Wrong answer, don't go by what the wiki says. You can try to answer the question as many times as you'd like. You have until the end of the day." Shouto informed. After placing all the things his bought in shooping bags, he left the supermarket.

'True meaning of Kagero...' "Hey wait up!" Emon called out before rushing after Shouto once again. "I need a clue!"

"Giving you a clue or be telling you the answer. What would be the point in that? If you don't know the answer, then just try to find it. When you find out, meet me on the local bath house by the end of the day. I have some groceries to leave at home before heading there so I'd say you have alot of time to find out."

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