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Laughing and sounds of logs burning filled the air as Hayley left the warmth of the campfire to gather more wood. She wandered through the dark woods looking for small sticks to keep the fire going. A snap from the distance made Hayley turn to the sound.

"Hello? Jackson? It's Hayley," Hayley began.

"Hayley?" Elijah stumbled out from behind the great oak tree. His eyes looked up at the beloved sight before him. His beautiful Hayley. The woman he loved. The woman he killed. His eyes filled with tears. He remembers. He remembers dancing with her. He remembers killing her. He remembers tricking Klaus and sacrificing himself.


Elijah looks up at Hayley with realization. He's here. Hayley dropped the sticks she was holding and rushed forward. Elijah followed. They held each other in a warm embrace they've been missing.

"Elijah-," Hayley cried into Elijah.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I-I couldn't remember." Elijah pleaded.

"It's ok. It wasn't your fault. You didn't know," Hayley soothed, "Ho-how are you here?"

"I couldn't let him die, I-."

"It's ok. I understand," Hayley cut off, understanding what had happened.

Elijahs hands were shaking, "I don't deserve this. I don't deserve peace." Elijah cried.

"Hey! Look at me! You deserve peace. If anyone, it'd be you," Hayley explained with a calm voice, "Come back with me." Hayley cupped Elijah's face and leaned down to kiss him. When their lips met it was like being renewed water after walking in the desert without a drop. Everyday without it was more painful than the last. The noise of the fire and the other friends drowned out. All that mattered was that he was there with her. All that mattered was Hayley.

"You still owe me a dance," Hayley said as she pulled away. Elijah smiled with pure joy realizing he was where he was supposed to be. With Hayley.

"Yes, I believe I do."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2018 ⏰

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