Bayley and Aaron

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A/N: Okay I know what your thinking, why is Chrissyath doing this? Well I'm doing it so we can examine the body language of both Bayley and Aaron along with Finn and Cathy and compare it with Baylor LOL! I'm already struggling to do this as its churning my stomach as I save pics of Bayley and Aaron and Finn and Cathy but I want to do it so we can discuss it and for each of us to give our opinions on the matter so without further ado let's begin.....


First Bayley and Aaron, now they've been together for a long time not sure how long meh I don't really care (LOL shows how much I care about Bayley's real life partner) but I've been looking at them at the WWE Hall of Fame 2017 and 2018 and there is a huge difference with the way acted and their body language from both of those nights a year apart. I've also noticed in private they seem good with each other and not the romantic mushy mushy type but when they are at a function especially WWE in front of cameras and what not they seem different, I'll let you be the judge....

WWE Hall of Fame 2017:

 As you can see Bayley is being interviewed by Cathy Kelley WHAT! Anyway you can see them with their arms around each other looking some what comfortable and happy, well Bayley looks more happy than Aaron but they look like a couple

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 As you can see Bayley is being interviewed by Cathy Kelley WHAT! Anyway you can see them with their arms around each other looking some what comfortable and happy, well Bayley looks more happy than Aaron but they look like a couple.

 As you can see Bayley is being interviewed by Cathy Kelley WHAT! Anyway you can see them with their arms around each other looking some what comfortable and happy, well Bayley looks more happy than Aaron but they look like a couple

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