Chapter 2

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Alana and Jada are now at the beach walking on the strip too turn as always.

                      * jadas P.O.V

so we pull up too the beach looking for a parking spot "damn where the hell we  gone park " I said... bout five minuets later we finally found one...

I'm looking cute or whatever but before I get out of the car I have too make sure my hair and makeup on point and it is....

when we get out it's hella niggas and bitches around but I want that thug love you feel me??

Fuck all that other bullshit... Alana let's go get on the drop zone I said... iight ma let's go Alana said in response... **getting off the ride** damn that shit was fun as Fuck we gotta do that again before we leave...

                          Alana's P.O.V

so we pull up too the beach looking for a spot too park the whip while jada over here in my ear complaining about the shit like I don't already know lol but I gotta love her...

so bout five mins later we find one and I'm waiting for jada too get out of the car damn she always checking her hair and makeup.. 

so we walking near a ride called drop zone Jada wanted too try it out it was cool or whatever when we got off the ride I saw some light skin nigga looking at jada like he wanted too say something...

I looked at jada looking at him smiling and shit... she told me she was going too talk too him and ask him what he was looking at.

This bitch left me too talk too this nigga but whatever ima keep walking and mind my damn business..

                       Jadas P.O.V

OMG y'all so after getting off of drop zone I see this fine ass light skin dude I don't know his name or anything but he fine as hell frfr.

I know Alana saw Him looking at me she is overly protective of me and guys because I have been hurt so many times and she had been on my side all those times. 

Anywho I told her I was going too ask him why he was looking at me that way so I approached him and asked him Alana kept walking

but whatever he was cute and I just had too talk too him not too mention he got some long sexy ass hair which Is a major plus for his ass..

I said umm is there something you need because you sure as staring hard like you want something he said nah shawdy you just looking good in that outfit so you know I gotta look.

I mean I'm a guy that's what we do.. but Im Jayson by the way what's your name?? he asked ... Oh I'm jada I said.. nice too meet you.. nice too meet you also he said..

"ima give you my number hit me up sometimes shawdy"

..I handed him my phone too put his number in it he was cute and I just gotta have it.

iight ma here you go hmu when you ready for a Hood nigga like me...

                   Jayson P.O.V

Wassup y'all I'm Jayson I'm 22 years old Black/Italian.  I'm from NYC but I'm currently on vaca with my mom and my twin sister named Brittany. I'm 5'7 gotta stay swagged out I met a shawdy named Jada,  I'm feeling her style already she got a lil feisty side too her I love that about her  she is beautiful.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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