Chapter 12: Fear.

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There was a time, when Phillip would walk along the corridors of Orion station, and he would greeted by happy people, who were living a perfectly happy life, but now, when Phillip walked along the corridors of Orion station, all he was greeted by was, sadness, anger, hatred, madness and above all, fear!

Fear was now Phillip number one enemy, and at the moment he was having an endless battle against it. He look around at the four other people he walked with, taking in all their expression's.

Hill showed no emotion, just confusion, Clark showed complete sadness, possible over King's suicide, Jackson showed complete fear and Jones showed a mixture of emotions. Phillip could see fear, anger and sadness all at once and Phillip didn't like it.

He didn't like it because to him it came off as hatred, but hatred for what? for who? the alien or someone else? Phillip didn't know, but the one question he had on his mind was "I wonder if anyone here is still sane?"

It didn't take long for the small group to emerge into the shopping center. The entire area was destroyed, broken glass from shop windows lay scattered across the floor, food packets and plastic water bottles lay on the floor. The five men noticed that some of the shops had be locked up and others remained opened.

Jackson suddenly stopped, causing Clark to collide into him. "Idiot, what are you doing?" Jackson slowly pointed a finger towards a shop that had it's shutters closed, the shutter was opened a gap. Clark squinted in the dark to see what was holding the shutter open and then he saw it.

Two legs were jammed beneath the shutter, a pool of blood surrounded the legs. Clark and Jackson stared at the legs in horror, they jumped at the sound of Jones voice, "let's keep moving" Clark turn away from the shutter and pulled Jackson with him.

Jones stopped Infront of a door that had a sign beside it, the sign red 'Marshels Office.' Hill and Phillip moved around the area with their motion trackers while Jones typed in the pass code to the door. As soon as the door opened, Jones was met with a room full of blood. Two bodies lay face down on the floor and another laid against the wall at the other end of the office.

Jones slowly walked into the office, Phillip could tell by his movements and the way that he eyed the bodies that he knew who they were. Jones moved deeper into the office and then went into a separate room, the four other men stayed in the main room.

Jones re-emerge into the room with four weapons. "Right we have three flamethrowers, two of them are full, the other is half empty. We also have one shotgun with one round in the chamber and I have four spare bullet's"

Jones handed Phillip and Clark a flamethrower and the put the third down, he slung the shotgun over his shoulder and then picked up the flamethrower, he turn to Hill and said "I'm not going to give you a flamethrower but I want you to have this" Jones reached into his pocket and pulled out the pistol "I know you can't stand the site of the blood but I want you to, it'll come in handy"

Hill hesitated but then took the gun and shoved it into his pocket. Jackson stepped forward and said "why can't I have a weapon?" Jones eyed him and said "because I don't trust you with a gun"

"Then give me a flamethrower, I mean, Phillip and Clark have flamethrowers and Hill has a pistol and then you have a shotgun and a flamethrower that's half full"

Jones snorted and said "I don't trust you with a gun because I know you don't know how to use one and there's two reasons that I don't trust you with a flamethrower. One, you don't know how to use it and two, with your stress and anxiety, you'll be firing at your own shadow"

Jackson glared at Jones and then walked away to stand by the door. Jones stared at him and then turn to the other and said "we not leaving yet, there's a long ranged radio in here somewhere and we could use it to communicate with others on the station"

"How that work then?" Hill said.

"It basically hacks into any other radio frequency and then allows use to communicate, we for anything" Jones replayed.

Phillip frowned and said "we've never heard of that type of radio before, is it new?"

Jones nodded and said "yeah, prototype by us"

Phillip and Hill nodded their heads in approval. The next few minutes were spent by searching the office for the radio, they all helped, apart from Jackson who sat at one of the desk's.

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