The Beginning [1]

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"Get the water to the other side.  We need to hurry now! Quickly before the kingdom is destroyed!"

The water kingdom,  The kingdom of life plenty and peace.  A place where everything and everyone is safe from harm.  You could leave your things in a spot go away for hours and come back to the exact same spot to find that nothing has been taken, nothing missing.  But all that peace and unity changed after the attack from Sequil.  Sequil our enemy who wished to hoard the kingdom to himself as he did with everything else that he owned.  Our ruler knew this and refuted his involvement in the up coming games.... I guess he didn't like that too much.

"Hurry!  There is not much time, the river has been dried out there is nothing to fight the fire with the Kingdom will be brought down in ashes.  There is nothing we can do....nothing to save."

I watched a mother cry as she held her child, as children all around shed tears for the grief of losing their home and knowing that they will not be able to return.  I have always been a nomad so the loss of a home was not as necessarily as heavy on me when I found a place I was staying destroyed.  Rather, I would just pick up and move on and yet.... Yet I felt immense rage at what was before me.  A beautiful kingdom... The Kingdom of water with it's huge white palace, green grounds and water ways all dried up and scorching in the heat of the flames.  

Perhaps it was because I was nearly on the brink of death in the dessert when I came across this place.  The people so kind to help someone they didn't even know, to treat me with such respect and love and to save me with not only provisions, but their kindness.  Kindness I hadn't experienced in a very long time.  I felt rage for their loss and rage for the destruction of such a place that would offer such kindness to anyone in need, the Water Kingdom was a source of hope for travelers like myself and the destruction of this place was the trigger.  The trigger for a war that would last many lifetimes and change the face of the Earth itself.

"The War of Eunaf..."  

A/N: I thought I'd give you guys an early update. Since I wasn't feeling well. I hope you can comment that would really make my day. Tell me how you're doing.

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