My English Teacher is a Nutbar (And I Schooled Her)

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Hola! I've returned.

So yes, you're probably wondering about the title, eh? Well, get comfortable kiddies, whilst I tell of an anecdote that happened just last Thursday.

It all began as I walked into my Honors English last Thursday afternoon, tired and mentally drained from my previous classes.

I had gotten my stuff ready and class had began. A bit later into the class, we had started to work independently whilst the teacher, (For safety/humor, we'll refer to her as Ms. Schitt) went to lounge at her desk and, most likely play Solitare on her laptop.

She was playing music and allowed requests, like she had done once before this year. I wasn't sure how many other opportunities I would get to request anything, so I set out to ask about a favorite Rolling Stones song of mine.

As I approached her at her desk, she looked up, glared, and asked what I wanted. To which I replied with: "Excuse me Ms. Schitt, do you think I could make a request?" She huffed and said, "Fine, what do you want?"

"She's A Rainbow by The Rolling Stones please." I said, looking at her hopefully.

"No." She said hastily, continuing to pretend to do work.

I started to get a little agitated. "Well, why not?" I questioned, stuffing a hand in my pocket.

"Are you kidding? You're requesting The Rolling Stones. Their music isn't school appropriate."

My tea pot of anger had started to heat. "Have you ever even heard the song I'm requesting, miss?" I asked, raising a brow.

"I don't need to. Thank you very much." She didn't even look up, too absorbed in her computer.

By then I had reached my boiling point. "I suppose you haven't heard any of this trap that you're completely okay with playing either, eh?" I growled, furrowing my brows.

She looked up and continued to glare.

"Well, alright. If you'll be like that, fine. Just know Mick Jagger has done more in a few seconds then you have of your 50 years of life."

Long story short:

She's A Rainbow got played.

Final thoughts:

I'm surprised I didn't get a detention.

Anyhow, that's a lil slice of lyfe.

Ms. Schitt won't dare to test me again, haha.

On another note, remember that band I mentioned? The Struts?

I got to go see them live just last night!

This is a link to their tour dates, in case any of y'all want to check em' out.

Anyways, I'm back on my updating schedule, so expect some updates most likely on weekends.


♥ ♠ Mel ♦ ♣

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