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"Welcome to Chennai, temperature is 25 degree Celsius. Have a nice day"

The pilots voice echoed, Making me come out of my relaxing sleep. Seems like today there is good climate in chennai. I won't be burned with heat before I get adjusted to the climate. I opened my eyes and said my thanks to my air hostess that gave me a great company throughout the twenty hours journey. She winked at me and gave me a card. I flashed her my usual smirk. And thanked my pilot.

I came out of the airport in ten minutes to see my mother waiting with smile in her face, which I loved. She hugged me and I took in her vanilla perfume smell, that makes me feel as kid

"I see you still haven't changed a bit from being a dog?" My mom asked me with happiness. " nope and never as long as you change your favourite vanilla perfume. Come let's head to home, it's been four weeks, I last step in chennai. Need to got up with many things and especially need a shower now!" She laughed.

She teased me as I am crazy and I shrugged saying inherited from her. We went to our mansion. I shouted " I am home" as my mom let me in after doing a aarti.  My dad and my grandparents laughing at me.  After I got refreshed, went down to have a feast with my mothers food. I was enjoying my food with my family.

"Remember about the lunch we are going to have tomorrow?" My mom asked with sharp tongue. That said don't find an excuse this time. My dad and my grandparents shared look and laughed a little. I just want to kill them. I nodded at mom. She gave a evil happy smile. Through out the lunch I was silent and left the house.

I pulled up to the place that brought back all the memories I couldn't forgot in my life. Happy and bitter memories flashing in my eyes, I opened my eyes at a horn to see some Lorry coming with no control towards my car. I saw, my car is in wrong lane. I took a sharp and speed turn from my death by lorry, to get hit by a big tree. And airbag blown up, making me unconscious.

I open my eyes to see people were surrounding me and before I can speak pain radiated throughout my body, especially at my left hand. I hissed and everyone turned towards me and gave a relieved smile.

"You okay?" Is the first think my mom asked me. I nodded giving her a warm smile. I tried to open my mouth, but it pained like hell.

"Here have some water" my best friend Kritick said giving me support as he raised my head and I took a sip.

"What happened?" I asked hoarseness was evident from dryness of the throat. My mom cried as she hugged my dad and he started consoling my mother. That was same with grandparents. But, grandma eyes had tears but she controlled herself and pacified mom, while grandpa did the same to my father who is trying to maintain a tough composure. I looked at my friends for help to enlighten me and cheer up the air.

" what happened? Let's say your plan to escape the blind date we fixed you up got you back stabbed with broken left arm, that needed a emergency surgery as it had your artery damaged. And few stitches here and there for the glass pieces that got struck with you in love. And blessed you to escape from the blind date for a while as you are advised to take rest." Dev, my close buddy said sarcastically and everyone glared at me, long forgotten to cry.

" I asked to cheer up and not accuse me. Thank you so much." I said sarcasm dropping at each word. He laughed.

" sorry to blast your bubble. He just pointed out the facts till now. Here comes the accusing part." Kritick said and evil smile started to dance on his face. I raised my brow at him. "and we were graced with a new information that we have a new family member yesterday night. As we tracked you after repeated unanswered calls or missing for a day. That you met with an accident and you were admitted here by YOUR WIFE." He finished with a glare and smirk.

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