Kinda Awkward

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Well here's another day of my terrible job. Did i mention I hate it? Well I do. Its a freaking pain in the rear end. And its even worse now because this new guy is starting today.

That's more money I have to share. Even though the job does not pay much. Anyways back to the new guy. I heard his name is Taylor Geneva. Pretty lame right , lol just kidding. I say lame a lot , get used to it.

I've just arrived to my job. This time my mom drove me in her car. I HATE IT WHEN MY MOM DRIVES ME TO WORK , DRIVES ME ANYWHERE. So that's why I usually ride my penny board but this time she literally begged me for her to take me.

I just walked inside of Taco Bell but I don't see any newbies just the same old crew ; Patty , Otis , Carla , Austin ; Anita , and James also known as my "ex". No sign of Taylor. Until I see a boy that looked somewhat attractive , who walked out of the restroom , that I have to clean.

He looked like he was more attracted to me than I was of him. At work I clean and mop the whole place and I work the drive-thru. Lame huh. Today while working the drive-thru I was witnessing him staring at me everytime I glanced at him kinda awkward.

I didn't want to say anything but I had to. I could not resist him staring me. So I blurted out and said "eh-um uhh do you, like, mind" I said in a slowly yet anxious voice. Then Taylor said right back at me "you're beautiful" in a cool yet calm manner. Then I finally said "you must , be on some drug because I know your not talking to me so you must be talking to yourself". He said "Ha Ha Ha and you're funny".           

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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