Chp. 5 "Little Boys With Their Magic Bolo Ties" (Rewritten)

Start from the beginning

"Uh- L-look kid, I won't say it twice. Go with them!" Stan says, bending down slightly and pointing towards the said group who eyes are wide with terror.

"Or what?" I question him. Tension are high at this point that even wolves would cower in the glares we give each other. Then Stan smirks, stands straight up and crosses his arms.

"Or... I'll take away your books for the rest the time you kids are here!"

"You wouldn't..." I say, venom lacing my voice.

"Oh ho! I sure can!" Stan says, an amused smirk plastered on his wrinkly face. He wasn't kidding. Every time I wouldn't do something for him, I would later find one of my books missing from my bag. And until I don't do what Stan asks, I won't see my books again. And it's always for going with someone or just helping someone in the shack.

"...Fine! Guys, let's go!" I shout, stomping away from the old man and past the wide eyed group.


"Woah. This is like a bizarro version of the mystery shack," Dipper states, looking over to Soos who sits next to him while I sit beside his left and right of Mabel. "They even have their own Soos."

"Better too," I growl, still grumpy about Stan saying he take my books away. I really hope this psychic thing blows away the Mystery Shack. Soos gasps as he places a hand over his heart, mistaking what I meant.

"I didn't mean you Soos, I meant the tent."

Soos sighs in relief when he heard my words.

"Oh, cheer up (Y/n)!" Mabel says, elbowing me as she is also along with the townsfolk excited for this act. "I'm sure Grunkle Stan is just being the old man he is! Besides, you get to hang out with us! Where's the smile~?" Mabel sings, leaning towards me as I lean away from her.

Suddenly, the sound of clapping fills the tent, causing Mabel sit up straight along with me as I take a breath of relief.

"It's starting, it's starting!" She chants.

The lights go out, causing two spotlights to go to the center of the stage.

"Let's see what this monster looks like," Dipper whispers, watching the shadow of who I presume Gideon as he comes closer to the closed curtain.

When the curtains did roll back, standing there no taller than a first grader, was a little, chubby boy with freckles, and a white, large Elvis Presley hair due. His clothes are consisted of a blue suit, a cape that was about his height, and a large bolo tie.

"Hello America! My name is little Gideon!" He shouts out to the crowed with this weird, small voice. This is the psychic? I imagined him being old-

The my stomach dropped.

'Uh oh...' I stare up at the kid who looks younger than the twins as he waves to the audience. With a sudden clap of his hands, pigeons flew out of his hair, causing people around us to cheer. How is this kid a danger?

"That's Stan's mortal enemy?" Dipper says in disbelief.

"He's so little," Mabel gushes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is such a gift to have you here tonight! Such a gift," Gideon says, giving off a strained smile while nodding. "I have, a vision."

I feel one of my eyebrows go up as I stare at him. Vision, hm?

"I predict, you'll soon all say, 'aw~'."

After that sentence, he turns around, and looks back to us with a weird, baby face as he puts a finger to his mouth.

"Aw~" The crowd goes. Except for the others and I, of course.

Summer Memories #1: June (Gravity Falls Reader Insert!)Where stories live. Discover now