[ᵂᴵᴸᴸ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴮᴼᵀᴴ ᶠᴵᵀ.?] •ᴷᴵᴺᴷ ᵀᵂᴼ•

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Name: Elijah ThomasAge: 19Gender: A male

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Name: Elijah Thomas
Age: 19
Gender: A male.
Species: What- oh. Human.
Sexuality: Gay and taken by his two lovers.
Elijah is an adorable boy wishing to show as much love as possible to people, especially to his two lovers. Who are twins. It's kind of hard to give both of them attention when their usually arguing about who Elijah loves more, which is equal. The boy instead laughs at his arguing lovers and lets them figure it out, it's better for the people in the situation to talk it out instead of someone interfering. Eli is a peacemaker- he hates to see anyone fighting, hurt, or crying. The boy will do literally anything to make sure someone is safe and protected, to make sure someone is loved and cared for. And if they don't accept his help, the boy still helps and gives them attention anyway. It's usually the people that doesn't want the attention whom needs it the most, or maybe they really don't need attention and wishes for him to buzz off.
It's cute though. How he's so naive and gullible. He believes anything someone tells him and does whatever someone says, he will do someone's homework if they asked. As long as he's helping someone he will do it without any questions asked, it's rare to see Elijah snapping on anyone because it's "Rude." And very "Mean." He wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.! So he listens and has all the patience he can have then he helps. Elijah is shy and more so quiet than loud and cheerfully, even around his two lovers he's shy afraid that he'll say something wrong and the two will argue about Elijah again. If Elijah says one twins name before the others- then they'll argue about who's the superior twin. Which doesn't make any sense- how is Elijah suppose to get their attention without saying one or the others name? It's respectful to call out someone's name instead of just saying, "Hey." He finds that rather rude, he treats people the way he wishes to be treated. And so far his life has been going fine, he moved out from his parents place- because they disowned the boy when Elijah came home with not one male lover. But two. And they were twins. The mother was ashamed and the father was embarrassed to have that as a son, at the moment they had another child, a girl, and are spoiling the hell out of her.
Elijah doesn't care because he still has his lover's, he even lives under the same roof as them and cooks breakfast for his lover's every morning. He's truly happy and lucky to have them, they really are the highlight of his day.
Likes: his lover's, teasing his loves, singing, cooking, napping, cuddling, kissing, cooking, baking, sewing, watching Tv with his boyfriends, sitting on one of his boyfriends lap- before they start arguing, his possessive loves.
Least favorite:
Being cheated on, and being betrayed.
Dislikes: anyone trying to steal his boyfriend's away... lots of girls are trying to do just that in fact.


Elijah doesn't like to talk about his friends or family. He started a new life his with his boyfriends and therefore his old life was left behind. Elijah does forgive his parents for kicking him out of the house, and he does forgive anyone else that teased him for being gay. It did piss him off but he never snapped, instead he would laugh along with them and just move on. Words. They do hurt, badly, but a person can look past them if they just try not to listen. To just know what they are saying is wrong.

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