visit to the police station

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It had been three days since Vivian went missing. Michelle grew concerned when she hadn't received a call in those three days. The worst went to her mind, and she thought that Warren had something to do with it. That's what brought her and Allen to the police station.

"Chelle, are you sure about this? Maybe Vivian just needed some time to herself" Allen said.

"Allen, I know my sister. She's called me every single day since the day dad died. I feel like something may have happened to her, and I get the feeling Warren is behind it" Michelle said.

"Alright. I can understand that. You could have called your brother. He's an FBI Agent, isn't he?"

"Yes, but Nick is deep in a case with his two partners. Besides, there's a detective here that handled Vivian's case and I'd like to talk to him about it" A woman with wavy brown hair approached Michelle and Allen. Michelle quickly recognized her as Detective Allison Kerry.

"Detective Kerry"

"Is everything okay Michelle? How's your sister? I heard that Warren got out" Kerry asked.

"That's actually what I'm here about. Is Detective Hoffman here?"

"No, he isn't, but I'd be more than happy to help. Please, come with me" Michelle and Allen both followed Kerry into her office. "Something tells me something happened to Vivian, otherwise you wouldn't be here"

"Vivian hasn't called me in three days. That isn't normal. She calls me every day, but I haven't heard from her"

"Maybe she just forgot to call you? It does happen"

"No, Detective! She never forgets! She hasn't since our dad died!" Michelle said, slamming her fists on the desk. Kerry jumped in her seat, and Allen placed his hand on his wife's shoulder. "It has to be Warren. He must have taken her"

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes, Kerry. I'm positive. I even have this" Michelle pulled out a ziploc bag with pieces of paper in them. "It's a note that Vivian sent her. She ripped it up but she never threw it out. I took these when I visited her one day. If she ripped it up, then it has to be from him"

"Okay. Please wait here for a moment. I need to go get Vivian's and Warren's files" Kerry said before she left the room for a moment. When she came back, she had the two files in her hands. First, Kerry looked through Vivian's file. She had one prior arrest due to possession of drugs. Kerry's partner, Detective Matthews was the one who arrested her. However, he let her go when she said that Warren forced her into holding the drugs for him. Kerry then looked through Warren's. He had a lengthy number of arrests. Most of them were for drug possession, and assault charges.

"I just have to ask, but is there anyone else who knows Vivian that seems to have suspicious behaviour?"

"Besides us, her neighbour Adam and her best friend Amanda, she never really talks or hangs out with anybody. She usually just goes to therapy and then goes right home" Michelle said.

"Okay. We'll start looking into this case and let you know if anything comes up. I'll make sure to inform Detective Hoffman" Kerry said.

"Thank you Detective Kerry. We'll make sure to call you if we find her" With that, Michelle and Allen left.


"They're going to find her, and when they do, they'll arrest Warren on kidnapping charges and he'll be back in prison" Allen said

"I hope so" Michelle said. When she and Allen approached the front door, they were surprised to find Amanda Young. They knew how close Vivian and Amanda were. Amanda must have heard about Vivian's disappearance. "Amanda, what are you doing here?"

"Did you hear about Vivian?" Allen asked.

"I did, and I want you to know that she's safe" Amanda said.

"You know where she is? Tell us!" Michelle said.

"I can't do that, but I promise you two are going to see her soon" That was the last thing Amanda said before she left. Michelle watched as she left. She always found Amanda sort of odd, and sometimes she seemed rather obsessed with Vivian. Michelle then started to suspect that she had something to do with her sister's disappearance.

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