Strawberries & Rum-Chapter 2

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Strawberries & Rum

"Are you sure you want to come down here for a visit? I know how much you detest Bill." Says Eric, Godric's child, a vampire he had created centuries after himself being turned into a vampire.

A smile curves Godric's lips, as he hears the concern in Eric's voice & replies, "Yes, Eric, I know I detest the man, but I am capable of being around him without killing him. I will leave that to you, my child."

I hear the laughter in his voice as he says, "Alright, Godric, but I warn you, Bill's enough to make the strongest of us want to pull their hair out."

"Yes, so I have noticed, but I am anxious to meet this mate of yours, from all you have told me, she is an amazing girl." I say with a chukle.

"Yes, she is my reason for being," says Eric, a smile in his voice. "We will both be waiting for you, Godric."

"I will be there soon," says Godric before hanging up his phone. He then spotted a small bar that looked quite old & decided to stop for a snack, before making the rest of the way over to Fangtasia.

He soon found a parking space & parked his small, dark blue car, before getting out to walk the few feet to the bar, then, once there, he opened the door before walking inside. He then paused, looking around to get a feel for the place, when he sees a beautiful woman, with pale skin, pale blonde hair pulled up into a french-twist, with strands of hair framing her face, with a slender, yet long legged build, she was also a vampire.

The thing that confused him though, was that she was drinking from a glass of rum, & eating strawberries from a bowl set before her, which was strange because vampires could only feed on blood.

Their eyes finally met across the room, her lips curving into a smile as she moves her finger into a come hither gesture. It was almost like she was waiting for him, he thought, as he started making his way through the small crowd of people to get to her. When he finally stopped before her, the woman's smile brightened even more, her words soft & husky as she spoke, "Hello, Godric, it's been a long, long time since I have seen you last, though I am sure you don't know me, but I have known of you for a very time."

My eyes narrowed at her words as I asked, "Known of me? My lady I am sorry, but I was not aware that I was hiding, nor as you say, do I remember ever meeting such a striking beauty as yourself."

"I doubt you would, you were still young, still fresh from just being turned into one of us & our time together was so short. You were still struggling with your blood lust at the time, so it's not surprising that you do not remember me, I remember everything about you, though. For instance, you are still one of the most handsome of our kind, Godric." She says, her eyes dark storms in the dim lightening of the room. She then waves her small hand to a stool next to her as she asks, "Would you care to sit with me, Godric?"

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