Me Too

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(Reece's POV)

"Reece." My watch was spoke, but I wasn't paying any attention to it at all, whatsoever. "Reece." Dana repeated and I still didn't respond. "Renesmee Healy!"

"I think your watch is trying to get your attention." Tony informs me, staring at me with some aggravation but also some concern.

I sigh in frustration, holding my watch up to my mouth. "Yes, Dana?!"

"Peter Parker has overridden my hidden location lockdown." She informs me, sounding quite worried.

"What's that?" I ask, raising my eyebrows in confusion.

"You've been tracked, Healy." Tony explains.

I gasp, snapping my head up to look at Tony. "He tracked me?!" I stand up from my sitting position on my chair. "What the hell Parker?!" And I march over to the window and sure enough, there headed straight towards the Avengers building, swinging on his webs, was Spider-Man.

"He's here, isn't he?" Tony guesses, never bothering to stand up, or to even glance in my direction. I don't respond and he takes my silence as a yes. "Of course he is..."

I wait for Peter to make his way through the building, and it only takes him a minute and a half to make it up to the living room. He suddenly opens the door, quickly entering the room, having already taken off his mask. I make direct eye contact with him, and once he sees me, it's like all his stress had suddenly disappeared. His shoulders weren't so tense and the look in his eyes softened.

"Reece." He says, sounding relieved, as he inches closer to me.

I cross my arms, raising my eyebrows at him. "You tracked me? Like a dog?"

And now he looks nervous again. "You weren't answering your phone." He argues. "And your grandmother said you left without me... what was I supposed to do?"

I sigh, deciding to let it go because he's just been so worried and anxious lately. "Okay, okay..."

Peter then looks in Tony's direction, noticing he was also in the room. "Oh, hey, Mr. Stark."

Tony glances up and nods at him. "What's up, kid."

Peter looks back at me and shakes his head, deciding to get back on track. "Wait. Why are you here? What about school?"

"School is for losers." I respond with, flopping backwards onto the couch.

Tony sighs, standing up, deciding to explain my situation to Peter for me. "We've got a big mission coming up."

Peter furrows his eyebrows at Tony. "What do you mean?"

Tony flickers his eyes in my direction, but then focuses his attention back onto Peter. "Reece received a video message this morning." He says but Peter still looks confused. "... From her mother."

I watched as Peter's confused expression drops and his face grew pale. "Seriously?" He looks at me, already breathless.

I only nod before looking away. "Come on, I'll show you." Tony says to Peter.

I groan in annoyance, not moving at all whatsoever. "Can we not watch it again?"

Tony begins walking in the other direction and Peter follows him. "If you don't want to watch, close your eyes." He tells me, and I just sit there and pout. I hate his tough love sometimes.

But anyways, that video I received really freaked me out. Seeing my mother, much older than I last remembered her, the gray hair, the fact that she was alive... It was terrifying. And the things she said? Her unnatural high pitched voice? It made goosebumps run up my arms and I felt physically ill.

I kept my back towards Peter and Tony, and I just listening to the video again for the thousandth time today. After I had received it, I came straight here, not knowing what else to do except inform Tony of it.

"Renesmee... my daughter..." My mother's voice echoes through the room. I can literally recite this whole video, that's how many times I've watched it. "Eighteen now, right? It's crazy... I remember the day you were born. How little you were. How bright your eyes were."

I always cringe at that part.

"I have a lot of explaining to do, clearly... Friday morning, nine, I'll be in town. 42267, Queens." And my mind recreates the part where she covers the camera with her hand before ending the video.

At first, it's silent. I want to look back at Peter and see his emotion towards this whole thing, but at the same time I don't. "It's bogus." I respond, just to break the barbaric silence.

"Stop saying that." Tony tells me.

I stand up and finally turn around to look him. "Why? It's true. She doesn't care about me... she's only using me to get to you. To the rest of the Avengers."

"You're an Avenger too now." Tony points out, but he also doesn't argue with my logic.

"Bogus." I respond with again, sitting back down. "It's just... bogus."

"What are we gonna do?" Peter asks, sounding quite worried.

"Reece is going to meet with her." Tony states, and suddenly now I'm worried too. I sit up, looking back at Tony with my eyebrows raised. "With us watching the entire time, obviously."

And I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. At least I wasn't going in alone.


"Are you gonna be okay?"




"Don't lie to me."

"... I'll get through it."

He pauses, and I wish he were here to comfort me. But then it was like he was actually reading my mind through the phone call or something. "Can I come over?"

I take a deep breath, and nod even though he can't see me, more than relieved. "Yes."

And just as the word escapes my mouth, there was a knock on my window. I quickly shot up from my lying down position in my bed. I turn my head to look at the window, looking to see Peter Parker on the other side of it. "I'm here." He tells me through the phone.

"I can see that." I say before hanging up on him and moving to unlock the window for him.

He smoothly slips inside my room and I close the window once he's in. "You were waiting to ask that, weren't you?"

"Honestly, I didn't think you'd say yes." Peter speaks truthfully, his cheeks a bit red from the cold breeze of the night.

"Sure, and that's why you were waiting outside my window." I respond. I love teasing him, it makes him smile, which makes me smile in return.

He takes a deep breath, his smile never fading. It's nice to look at him and think about something other than tomorrow. Which was Friday. Which was the day I'd be meeting my mother for the first time in several years.

We had a plan, but it was too long and too complicated. I honestly don't know how well it'll work, obviously not having much faith in it. It involves me saying a lot of things to try and get her to spill information.

Peter holds out his hand and I automatically put mine in his. "Come here." He says, pulling me towards him.

I giggle as he pulls me against him, hugging my body to his. He takes a deep breath, kissing the top of my head. "... Did you change your shampoo?" His random question makes me laugh.

"No, I ran out of mine so I had to use Grams." I inform him. My shampoo was usually a strawberry scent and hers was a lavender scent.

"I think I like yours better." Peter comments and I nod in agreement.

"Me too."

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